Emergencies and law

The column collects contents of various kinds (essays, conferences, documents) related to the period we have experienced and the legal implications that the Covid-19 emergency imposes on reflection. In the 'Links' section there are links to the legal journals that have dedicated studies and in-depth studies to the subject. Doctoral students and all interested parties will thus be able to know and study similar experiences of the past and the present that we are facing.

Pdf of the volume K. Pistor, Law in Time of COVID-19, just appeared in the Columbia Law School series. 
This volume offers guidance for thinking about some the most pressing legal issues the pandemic has raised, especially (though not exclusively) for law in the United States: from the rights of prison inmates who live under conditions that make them exceptionally vulnerable to the highly contagious virus to the options for contracting parties who now face circumstances that make it impossible for them to live up to their past commitments.

Prof. Guido Alpa 
Prof. Pietro Boria
Prof. Enrico del Prato  
Prof. Laura Moscati  

Prof. Andrea Panzarola, Avv. Marco Farina

Prof. Alessandro Somma 


Prof. Stefano Bellomo

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