Ph.d Students Missions

On this page you will find on the right-hand side the information and forms for PhD students to carry out research missions.
All forms are on:
a) agree with their Tutor on the carrying out of the mission;
b) complete the mission authorization form in its entirety;
c) indicate the fund on which the expense will be charged with the name of the person in charge of the fund to submit it to his signature;
regardless of the subsequent request for reimbursement of expenses, the authorization must be submitted to the signature of the Curriculum Coordinator and the PhD Coordinator;
c) deliver the form to the Department of Legal Sciences - dott. Fabio Vannicelli - for the further and binding signature for the authorization by the Coordinator with attachments: an estimate of the expenses, in the event of a subsequent request for reimbursement, and in the case of conferences, the poster must also be attached.
a) duly fill in the mission liquidation application indicating the fund and the name of the owner;
- bring the form to Dr. Fabio Vannicelli to submit it to his signature;
b) The form signed and accompanied by all the expense receipts and the original documentation ordered by day, must be delivered to the Administrative Secretariat, to Dr. Alessandro Balance, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 to 15.
N.B. The entire "missions procedure" must be followed to the letter, under penalty of exclusion from the refund.
Periods of study or research abroad: how to obtain financial support - 50% scholarship increase
The amount of the scholarship increases by 50% for each month spent abroad for study or research. An amount equal to 50% of a scholarship is paid for periods of study and research abroad, starting from the 38th cycle, even to doctoral students without scholarship. The periods for which it is possible to obtain financial support are equal to a maximum of 12 months. Stays abroad must be authorized in advance by the Course Coordinator and proven by a certificate from the host institution.
Before leaving, you must obtain prior authorization from the coordinator, it must be on headed paper and indicate the start and end dates of the period (day, month, year). If you travel to a country where there are no health coverage agreements, you must contact the insurance office to activate insurance coverage for your stay abroad.
Upon returning to Italy, at the end of the period abroad, you must send an e-mail to (subject of the e-mail: SCHOLARSHIP INCREASE REQUEST) inserting a copy of the coordinator of the PhD course to which you belong and attaching the following documents in a single Pdf:
- prior authorization signed by the coordinator (remember that the coordinator's authorization must bear a date prior to the stay abroad) with indications of the expected period abroad expressed in day/month/year (there is no standard form to fill in);
- increase request form duly completed and signed at the end of the period abroad (click here to download the form);
- signed certification from the host institution/university (remember that the certification must bear a date after or close to the departure relating to the stay abroad) with indications of the period actually spent abroad (from... to...) expressed in day/month/year (on the institution's/university's letterhead and signed by the contact person (there is no standard form to fill in).
If the period abroad is 7 months or more, you can submit a request for financial support to the Doctoral Sector at the end of the first quarter, presenting the certification of the host institution.
The above financial support is compatible and combinable with other scholarships granted by national and foreign institutions useful for integrating the PhD student's activity with stays abroad and with funding under the MUR Youth Fund.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma