The Curriculum in Marketing aims to provide students with a solid theoretical and methodological basis in marketing and business management.
On a theoretical level, the thesis is that contemporary society and economy are and will be pervaded by models of relationship between supply and demand with high innovation intensity and that the Italian productive world, public and private, profit-oriented or not, has an increasing need to assimilate a culture oriented to the customer and competition.
From a methodological point of view, the starting point is the awareness of living a space of scientific research fully connected to the rest of the world and oriented to the continuous improvement and development of survey methods. We see and face this reality as a constant challenge to the cultural growth of the people and the academic community to which we belong.
The key words of the research in which the cultural perimeter of the curriculum is recognized are the following:
marketing communication/brand.
Minimum orientation bibliography
Candidates for the position of PhD student in the Marketing curriculum can usefully strengthen their initial knowledge by reading the following titles.
Aaker, D. A. Building strong brands. Simon and Schuster, 2012
Fontana F., Caroli M., Economia e gestione delle imprese. Milano: McGraw Hill Italia, 2013
Iraldo F. and Melis M. Oltre il greenwashing. Linee guida sulla comunicazione ambientale per aziende sostenibili, credibili e competitive, Edizioni Ambiente, 2020
Kim W. Chan & Renée Mauborgne Strategia Oceano Blu: Vincere senza competere. Milano: Rizzoli ETAS, 2012 (o edizioni successive)
Kotler P. and Sarkar C., Brand activism. Dal purpose all'azione, Hoepli, 2018
Marino M. and Pratesi C.P., Il cibo perfetto. Aziende, consumatori e impatto ambientale del cibo, Edizioni Ambiente, 2022.
Mattiacci A., Pastore A. Marketing Il management orientato al mercato, Milano: Hoepli, 2021 (second edition)
Mintzberg H., Waters J. Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent. Strategic Management Journal, 6(3), 257-272, 1985
Normann R. and Ramirez R., Lavorare insieme per produrre valore, Harvard Business Review (ed. it.), n. 2, 1994
Ries, A., Trout, J., Positioning. Milano: Appendice, 2019 (o edizioni precedenti)
Ruffolo G., Lo specchio del diavolo. Torino: Einaudi, 2006
Sciarelli S., La gestione dell’impresa. Padova: Cedam, 2014 (o edizioni successive)