Lectures and practical Course organized by the PhD program in Cell and Developmental Biology Sapienza University of Rome
Prof. Valerio Licursi (IBPM-CNR) and Mario Fordellone (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)
June 4-5, 2025 9:30 - 13:30
June 17 -18, 2025 9:30 - 13:30
Ed. Fisiologia generale e Antropologia CU026 E01PS1L101 Aula I multimediale
The course is open to second and third year students of the BeMM School. More information and instructions to register will be provided soon.
2D and 3D Image post production and video animation
Course " organized by the Doctorate in Genetics and Molecular Biology and open to the doctoral students of the BeMM School, mainly aimed at second year students
March 14, 2025 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Reading room of the Genetics Building (CU022)
Teacher: Dr. La Torre
Registration to the following google form is required by March 13:
Lecture and practical Course for students of the PhD program in “Innovation in Immuno-mediated and Hematological Disorders” Sapienza University of Rome
Prof. Marcus Thelen and Diego Morone, IRB Bellinzona (CH)
Date: 26.03.2025 – 27.03.2025
Room: 301 Building D Viale Regina Margherita 295b, Roma
Lectures, delivered in dedicated conference rooms, are open to a maximum of 40 students of all current PhD cycles (March 26 th morning, March 27 th , all day).
Introduction to the wide-field fluorescence microscope will be limited to 15 students divided into small groups (March 26th, afternoon).
The course will be held in English.
For registration: write to before 23.59 of March 15 th 2025, specifying name, surname, PhD course, PhD cycle and if interested in the practical part.
Program details can be found here.