A.A. 2023-24
Report on research activities of PhD students enrolled in the 39th cycle:
In the academic year 2023-24, all PhD students of the 39th cycle have regularly carried out their activity to achieve the objectives of their research project, with the exception of PhD student Alexandru Bivolaru who ceased on 25/11/2024 due to resignation, having accepted a job at a company.
Out of 15 PhD students enrolled in the 39th cycle, 10 have presented at least one research product indexed on IRISI during the academic year. Of these, 6 have published at least one original work in an international journal with impact factor during the academic year [see the individual pages of the PhD students (https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/DOTTORANDI-BIOLOGIA-CELLULARE-E-DELLO-SVILUPPO_nI3489_IT.aspx)]. In total, 31 research products with a 39th cycle PhD student among the authors and indexed on IRIS were published in 2023/24, of which 20 are articles in an international journal with IF and 21 are conference abstracts or proceedings of conferences. Of these, 8 products have at least one other PhD student or PhD of the course as co-author.
Report on research activities of PhD students enrolled in the 38th cycle:
In the academic year 2023-24 all PhD students of the 38th cycle regularly carried out their activity for the achievement of the objectives of their research project, with the exception of PhD student Lorenzo Galli who dropped out on 8 September 2023 for personal reasons.
Out of 10 PhD students enrolled in the 38th cycle, 9 presented at least one research product indexed on IRISI during the academic year. Of these, 4 have published at least one original work in an international journal with impact factor [see the individual pages of the PhD students (https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/DOTTORANDI-BIOLOGIA-CELLULARE-E-DELLO-SVILUPPO_nI3489_IT.aspx)]. In total, 28 research products with a 39th cycle PhD student among the authors and indexed on IRIS have been published in 2023/24, of which 14 are articles in an international journal with IF and 14 are abstracts at conferences or proceedings. Of these, 7 products have at least another PhD student or PhD of the course as co-author.
Report on research activities of PhD students enrolled in the 37th cycle:
In the academic year 2023-24, all PhD students of the 37th cycle regularly carried out their activity to achieve the objectives of their research project, concluding their career, with the exception of Eleonora Leotta, who had ceased due to resignation for family reasons on 1/1/2023, and Sabrina Quaresima, who requested and obtained a 4-month extension.
Of the 16 PhD students enrolled in the 37th cycle, 13 presented at least one research product indexed on IRISI during the academic year. Of these, 10 published at least one original work in an international journal with impact factor during the academic year [see the individual pages of the PhD students (https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/DOTTORANDI-BIOLOGIA-CELLULARE-E-DELLO-SVILUPPO_nI3489_IT.aspx)]. In total, 50 research products with a 39th cycle PhD student among the authors and indexed on IRIS were published in 2023/24, of which 19 are articles in international journals with IF and 27 are conference abstracts, book chapters or conference proceedings. Of these, 18 products have at least one other PhD student or PhD of the course as co-author.
The activity of all PhD students is described in detail in the annual report that the board requires from individual PhD students for approval and admission to the following year in the first week of October and in the PhD student sheets that were filled out by all PhD students on Infostud. The annual report is drawn up according to the guidelines defined by the board and available on the dedicated PhD web page (https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/pagina.aspx?i=3489&l=IT&p=127).
The teaching staff has evaluated the activity carried out both through the annual report mentioned above and through the seminar presentation of the work carried out.
In evaluating the research activity and the results achieved, the teachers of the college consider the following aspects, in line with what will be required in the evaluation for the final exam:
- integration and coherence
- presentation and clarity
- adequacy of the introduction to the scientific background
- adequacy of the review of the relevant literature
- formulation of the research problem and bio(techno)logical meaning of the work
- originality
- contribution to scientific knowledge and relevance
- mastery of the English language
- coherence of the experimental plan with the issues addressed
- appropriate design of the experiments
- accuracy in the presentation of the results
- correct interpretation of the results
- adequacy of the figures and their legends
- weak points (major and minor)
Furthermore, the following were considered:
- work commitment
- autonomy in carrying out experimental activity
- scientific culture and updating activities
- dissemination of results in the national and international context
- scientific culture and updating
- critical capacity and participation in scientific discussions
- publications
All the doctoral students received a positive evaluation and were admitted to the following year.