Lab Meeting: “The role of interoceptive and exteroceptive awareness in honesty-related behaviour. Project presentation.”


Speaker: Alisha Vabba
Bodily self-consciousness (BSC), characterised by the sense of body ownership(Blanke & Metzinger, 2009; Blanke, 2012) and agency(Haggard, 2017), arises from the integration of exteroceptive signals from outside the body (e.g. vision, audition) and interoceptive signals from inside the body and the viscera (e.g. heartbeat, respiration, gastric) (Haidt & Joseph, 2007). Various studies within the framework of embodied cognitionhave demonstrated that bodily signals can influence high order cognitive, psychological, and emotional processes. However, few studies have explored the relationship between BSC and morality and it is unclear whether awareness of the body and its signals shifts moral standards towards honest or dishonest behaviour. The purpose of this research project is to examine whether individual differences in interoceptive and exteroceptive BSC differentially predict honesty-related decision making, in a card game in which participants are tempted to lie for financial gain, when reputation is at risk or not.   

Speaker: Carsten De Dreu (cancelled).
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