The educational offering of the Ph.D. in Psychology and Social Neurosciences (2023-2024) is structured as follows:
(a) Courses and Seminars conducted within the Ph.D. program related to the research activities of the doctoral candidates;
(b) Lab meetings where doctoral candidates present their work;
(c) Seminars not included in the educational offering.
XXXIX cycle
(a) Courses and Seminars:
Course "Introduction to Structural Equation Models with Mplus" Prof. Michele Vecchione: January 15 - January 17, 2024 (12 hours)
Course "Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Processes" Prof. Guido Alessandri: February 5 - February 7, 2024 (8 hours)
Course "Research Synthesis: An Introduction to Reviews, Meta-Analysis, and PRISMA Criteria" Prof. Enrico Perinelli: 25 March 2024, 3 hours
Course "Measurement Invariance - Multigroup Application" Prof. Claudio Barbaranelli: March 5 - March 18, 2024 (12 hours)
Course "Cluster Analysis" Prof.ssa Maria Gerbino: 5 hours 22 May 2024
Course ANOVA: Prof. Laura Di Giunta 4 hours 23 July 2024
Theories and Models for Personality Development I 2 hours Prof.ssa Maria Gerbino 3 July 2024
(b) Curricula Lab Meeting
Lab meeting CoSAN
November 22, 2023 – Third year PhD students’ presentation and Welcome to new first Year PhD students (open to students of all years)
February 20, 2024 – Third year PhD students’ presentation and Welcome to new first Year PhD students (open to students of all years)
March 13, 2024 – Post Doc project presentations and discussion with first-, second- and third-year PhD student: Sarah Boukarras - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) "You Don’t Deserve My Honesty! How Individuals Attain Social Status Shapes Moral Behaviour Towards Them"; Eleonora Parrotta - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) “Perceptual illusions through the lens of Predictive coding models” (open to students of all years)
April 17, 2024 - Third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all year); Guess what they will say? Giorgia Ponsi - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) "Dopaminergic modulation of sense of agency and moral behavior in Parkinson’s Disease" Discussants: Marina Scattolin, Olivia Carrubba
May 28, 2024 - Third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all years)
July 17, 2024 – First and third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all years)
Lab Meeting POP
March 15th, 2024: “Regression and Anova” student-led activity with Prof. Antonio Zuffianò
April 19th, 2024: “Introduction to R”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
May 9th, 2024: “Introduction to R”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
May 24th, 2024: “Introduction to Dynamic Structural Equation Models”, Phd students Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori
July 18th, 2024: “Introduction to Psychometric Network Analysis”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
September 23rd, 2024: “Dynamic structural equation models”, Phd students Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori
September 24th, 2024: “Introduction to Psychometric Network Analysis”, student-led activity Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
(c) POP
29/11/2023 "Pro-social Behaviors, Self-Efficacy, and Emotional Self-Regulation: an intervention program for teacher training" "Digital co-design to promote the mental health and interculturality of adolescents in the Caribbean Colombian region through virtual influencers” Prof. Carmelina Paba Barbosa; Maryluz Gomez Plata
21/02/2024 Wiktor Razmus The Paradox of Enjoyment in Luxury Consumption
21/02/2024 Mariola Laguna Advances in the Psychology of Entrepreneurship: A case of personal resources
21/03/2024 Mark H. Bornstein Parenting and Child Development in the Majority World
27/03/2024 José Maria Cortina Grammatical Redundancy in psychological Scales
23/04/2024 Arnold Bakker New developments in JD-R theory
23/04/2024 Stefano Tasselli Social networks, personality change, and performance
14/05/2024 Ken Dodge How can we achieve population impact on child abuse?
16/05/2024 Ken Dodge Children’s Defensive Mindset: What It Is, How it Develops, and What We Can Do to Help Aggressive Children
29/10/2024 Donald Truxillo "Work Ability and Morale Aging:
Metrics for Successful Aging at Work "
22/11/2023 Investigating the role of frontoparietal attention networks in human imagination Prof. Alfredo Spagna, Columbia University November 22, 2023, 14:30-15:30, Aula Ponzo
17/01/2024 Extended reality and Metaverse, new perspectives and paradigms in Neuroscience Dr. Matteo Marucci, Myndek Srl January 17, 2024, 14:30-15:30, Aula X
20/02/2024 (15:20 Aula 3) Sandra Stojic - Visiting PhD student (Doctoral School of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; Erasmus exchange, University of Mostar) “How does the brain construct the experience of time?”
13/03/2024 March 13, 2024 (14:00 Aula 14) Prof. Mark van Vugt (Vrije Universitet Amsterdam, University of Oxford) "Evolutionary, biological and neuroscience approaches to organizational behavior: Working with human nature"
28/05/2024 May 28, 2024 (12:30 Aula 14) PhD Ruben Azevedo (University of Kent) “A body of uncertainty: Exploring how interoception shapes cognition and behavior under uncertainty”
20/06/2024 June 20, 2024 (14:30 Aula 3) – Prof. Nicolaidis, MD, MPH (Portland State University, AASPIRE) "How using a neurodiversity paradigm and strength-based approaches influences autism research"
September 20, 2024 (14:30, Aula 3) - Prof. Markus Ullsperger (Department of Neuropsychology "Otto von Guericke", Magdeburg University) "Performance monitoring, post-error adjustments and acetylcholine"
September 20, 2024 (15:50 Aula 3) – PhD Gabriele Fusco (CoSAN Lab, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Sapienza Università di Roma) "Behavioral and electrocortical correlates of body-related conflicts: evidence from Flanker-like tasks"
XXXIII cycle
(a) Courses and Seminars:
Course "Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Processes" Prof. Guido Alessandri: February 5 - February 7, 2024 (8 hours) – recommended also for the second year
Course "Research Synthesis: An Introduction to Reviews, Meta-Analysis, and PRISMA Criteria" Prof. Enrico Perinelli: 24 March 2024, 3 hours (recommended also for the second year)
Course "Measurement Invariance - Multigroup Application" Prof. Claudio Barbaranelli: March 5 - March 18, 2024 (12 hours) – to be completed by the third year
Latent Profile Analysis, Prof Valerio Ghezzi: 13-14 June 2024, 8 hours
Convergence and Discrepancy among Informants, Prof. Antonio Zuffianò 2 hours 26 June 2024
Mediation and moderation advanced course, Prof. Guido Alessandri 6 hours 30/09/24 and 3/10/24;
Growth Curve Model, Prof.ssa Laura Di Giunta 4 hours, 14 Ottobre 2024
Theories and Models for Personality Development II 2 hours Prof.ssa Maria Gerbino 9 July 2024
Investigating the Role of Frontoparietal Attention Networks in Human Imagination Prof. Alfredo Spagna, Columbia University November 22, 2023, 14:30-15:30, Room Ponzo
Extended Reality and Metaverse, New Perspectives, and Paradigms in Neuroscience Dr. Matteo Marucci, Myndek Srl January 17, 2024, 14:30-15:30, Room X
(b) Curricula Lab Meeting
Lab meeting CoSAN
November 22, 2023 – Third year PhD students’ presentation and Welcome to new first Year PhD students (open to students of all years)
February 20, 2024 – Third year PhD students’ presentation and Welcome to new first Year PhD students (open to students of all years)
March 13, 2024 – Post Doc project presentations and discussion with first-, second- and third-year PhD student: Sarah Boukarras - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) "You Don’t Deserve My Honesty! How Individuals Attain Social Status Shapes Moral Behaviour Towards Them"; Eleonora Parrotta - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) “Perceptual illusions through the lens of Predictive coding models” (open to students of all years)
April 17, 2024 - Third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all year); Guess what they will say? Giorgia Ponsi - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) "Dopaminergic modulation of sense of agency and moral behavior in Parkinson’s Disease" Discussants: Marina Scattolin, Olivia Carrubba
May 28, 2024 - Third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all years)
July 17, 2024 – First and third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all years)
November 14, 2024 – Third year PhD students’ presentation and Welcome to new first Year PhD students; Patricia Dorner- Erasmus+ intern (Clinical Social Neuroscience Unit, University of Vienna) “Altered Cognitive Control and Reward Processing Mechanisms in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa: The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex”
January 15, 2025 – Third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all years); Post Doc project presentations and discussion with first-, second- and third-year PhD student: PhD Eleonora Parrotta and Sofia Ciccarone Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) "The key role of olfaction in gastric interoception through the lens of predictive processes"
Lab Meeting POP
March 15th, 2024: “Regression and Anova” student-led activity with Prof. Antonio Zuffianò
April 19th, 2024: “Introduction to R”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
May 9th, 2024: “Introduction to R”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
May 24th, 2024: “Introduction to Dynamic Structural Equation Models”, Phd students Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori
July 18th, 2024: “Introduction to Psychometric Network Analysis”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
September 23rd, 2024: “Dynamic structural equation models”, Phd students Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori
September 24th, 2024: “Introduction to Psychometric Network Analysis”, student-led activity Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
(c) POP
29/11/2023 "Pro-social Behaviors, Self-Efficacy, and Emotional Self-Regulation: an intervention program for teacher training" "Digital co-design to promote the mental health and interculturality of adolescents in the Caribbean Colombian region through virtual influencers” Prof. Carmelina Paba Barbosa; Maaryluz Gomez Plata
21/02/2024 Wiktor Razmus The Paradox of Enjoyment in Luxury Consumption
21/02/2024 Mariola Laguna Advances in the Psychology of Entrepreneurship: A case of personal resources
21/03/2024 Mark H. Bornstein Parenting and Child Development in the Majority World
27/03/2024 José Maria Cortina Grammatical Redundancy in psychological Scales
23/04/2024 Arnold Bakker New developments in JD-R theory
23/04/2024 Stefano Tasselli Social networks, personality change, and performance
14/05/2024 Ken Dodge How can we achieve population impact on child abuse?
16/05/2024 Ken Dodge Children’s Defensive Mindset: What It Is, How it Develops, and What We Can Do to Help Aggressive Children
29/10/2024 Donald Truxillo "Work Ability and Morale Aging:
Metrics for Successful Aging at Work "
22/11/2023 Investigating the role of frontoparietal attention networks in human imagination Prof. Alfredo Spagna, Columbia University November 22, 2023, 14:30-15:30, Aula Ponzo
17/01/2024 Extended reality and Metaverse, new perspectives and paradigms in Neuroscience Dr. Matteo Marucci, Myndek Srl January 17, 2024, 14:30-15:30, Aula X
20/02/2024 (15:20 Aula 3) Sandra Stojic - Visiting PhD student (Doctoral School of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; Erasmus exchange, University of Mostar) “How does the brain construct the experience of time?”
13/03/2024 March 13, 2024 (14:00 Aula 14) Prof. Mark van Vugt (Vrije Universitet Amsterdam, University of Oxford) "Evolutionary, biological and neuroscience approaches to organizational behavior: Working with human nature"
28/05/2024 May 28, 2024 (12:30 Aula 14) PhD Ruben Azevedo (University of Kent) “A body of uncertainty: Exploring how interoception shapes cognition and behavior under uncertainty”
20/06/2024 June 20, 2024 (14:30 Aula 3) – Prof. Nicolaidis, MD, MPH (Portland State University, AASPIRE) "How using a neurodiversity paradigm and strength-based approaches influences autism research"
September 20, 2024 (14:30, Aula 3) - Prof. Markus Ullsperger (Department of Neuropsychology "Otto von Guericke", Magdeburg University) "Performance monitoring, post-error adjustments and acetylcholine"
September 20, 2024 (15:50 Aula 3) – PhD Gabriele Fusco (CoSAN Lab, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Sapienza Università di Roma) "Behavioral and electrocortical correlates of body-related conflicts: evidence from Flanker-like tasks"
XXXVII cycle
(a) Courses and Seminars:
Course "Measurement Invariance - Multigroup Application" Prof. Claudio Barbaranelli: March 5 - March 18, 2024 (12 hours) – to be completed by the third year
Advanced Multilevel Models, Prof. Guido Alessandri 3 hours 7 October 2024
Theories and Models for Personality Development II 2 hours Prof.ssa Maria Gerbino 9 July 2024 (recommended for 3rd year)
(b) Curricula Lab meeting
Lab meeting CoSAN
November 22, 2023 – Third year PhD students’ presentation and Welcome to new first Year PhD students (open to students of all years)
February 20, 2024 – Third year PhD students’ presentation and Welcome to new first Year PhD students (open to students of all years)
March 13, 2024 – Post Doc project presentations and discussion with first-, second- and third-year PhD student: Sarah Boukarras - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) "You Don’t Deserve My Honesty! How Individuals Attain Social Status Shapes Moral Behaviour Towards Them"; Eleonora Parrotta - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) “Perceptual illusions through the lens of Predictive coding models” (open to students of all years)
April 17, 2024 - Third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all year); Guess what they will say? Giorgia Ponsi - PhD, Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) "Dopaminergic modulation of sense of agency and moral behavior in Parkinson’s Disease" Discussants: Marina Scattolin, Olivia Carrubba
May 28, 2024 - Third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all years)
July 17, 2024 – First and third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all years)
November 14, 2024 – Third year PhD students’ presentation and Welcome to new first Year PhD students; Patricia Dorner- Erasmus+ intern (Clinical Social Neuroscience Unit, University of Vienna) “Altered Cognitive Control and Reward Processing Mechanisms in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa: The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex”
January 15, 2025 – Third year PhD students’ presentation (open to students of all years); Post Doc project presentations and discussion with first-, second- and third-year PhD student: PhD Eleonora Parrotta and Sofia Ciccarone Post-doctoral research fellow (CoSAN, La Sapienza University, Rome) "The key role of olfaction in gastric interoception through the lens of predictive processes"
Lab Meeting POP
March 15th, 2024: “Regression and Anova”, Prof. Antonio Zuffianò
April 19th, 2024: “Introduction to R”, Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
May 9th, 2024: “Introduction to R”, Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
May 24th, 2024: “Introduction to Dynamic Structural Equation Models”, Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori
July 18th, 2024: “Introduction to Psychometric Network Analysis”, Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
September 23rd, 2024: “Dynamic structural equation models”, Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori
September 24th, 2024: “Introduction to Psychometric Network Analysis”, Dr. Giuseppe CorbelliLab Meeting POP
March 15th, 2024: “Regression and Anova” student-led activity with Prof. Antonio Zuffianò
April 19th, 2024: “Introduction to R”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
May 9th, 2024: “Introduction to R”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
May 24th, 2024: “Introduction to Dynamic Structural Equation Models”, Phd students Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori
July 18th, 2024: “Introduction to Psychometric Network Analysis”, student-led activity with Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
September 23rd, 2024: “Dynamic structural equation models”, Phd students Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori Lucia Manfredi and Fulvio Gregori
September 24th, 2024: “Introduction to Psychometric Network Analysis”, student-led activity Dr. Giuseppe Corbelli
(c) POP
29/11/2023 "Pro-social Behaviors, Self-Efficacy, and Emotional Self-Regulation: an intervention program for teacher training" "Digital co-design to promote the mental health and interculturality of adolescents in the Caribbean Colombian region through virtual influencers” Prof. Carmelina Paba Barbosa; Maaryluz Gomez Plata
21/02/2024 Wiktor Razmus The Paradox of Enjoyment in Luxury Consumption
21/02/2024 Mariola Laguna Advances in the Psychology of Entrepreneurship: A case of personal resources
21/03/2024 Mark H. Bornstein Parenting and Child Development in the Majority World
27/03/2024 José Maria Cortina Grammatical Redundancy in psychological Scales
23/04/2024 Arnold Bakker New developments in JD-R theory
23/04/2024 Stefano Tasselli Social networks, personality change, and performance
14/05/2024 Ken Dodge How can we achieve population impact on child abuse?
16/05/2024 Ken Dodge Children’s Defensive Mindset: What It Is, How it Develops, and What We Can Do to Help Aggressive Children
29/10/2024 Donald Truxillo "Work Ability and Morale Aging:
Metrics for Successful Aging at Work "
22/11/2023 Investigating the role of frontoparietal attention networks in human imagination Prof. Alfredo Spagna, Columbia University November 22, 2023, 14:30-15:30, Aula Ponzo
17/01/2024 Extended reality and Metaverse, new perspectives and paradigms in Neuroscience Dr. Matteo Marucci, Myndek Srl January 17, 2024, 14:30-15:30, Aula X
20/02/2024 (15:20 Aula 3) Sandra Stojic - Visiting PhD student (Doctoral School of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; Erasmus exchange, University of Mostar) “How does the brain construct the experience of time?”
13/03/2024 March 13, 2024 (14:00 Aula 14) Prof. Mark van Vugt (Vrije Universitet Amsterdam, University of Oxford) "Evolutionary, biological and neuroscience approaches to organizational behavior: Working with human nature"
28/05/2024 May 28, 2024 (12:30 Aula 14) PhD Ruben Azevedo (University of Kent) “A body of uncertainty: Exploring how interoception shapes cognition and behavior under uncertainty”
20/06/2024 June 20, 2024 (14:30 Aula 3) – Prof. Nicolaidis, MD, MPH (Portland State University, AASPIRE) "How using a neurodiversity paradigm and strength-based approaches influences autism research"
September 20, 2024 (14:30, Aula 3) - Prof. Markus Ullsperger (Department of Neuropsychology "Otto von Guericke", Magdeburg University) "Performance monitoring, post-error adjustments and acetylcholine"
September 20, 2024 (15:50 Aula 3) – PhD Gabriele Fusco (CoSAN Lab, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Sapienza Università di Roma) "Behavioral and electrocortical correlates of body-related conflicts: evidence from Flanker-like tasks"