Call for application 40th cycle

Bando ordinario

Educational goals and objectives

The PhD course in Chemical Processes for Industry and Environment belonging to the Doctoral School in Science and Technologies for the Industrial Innovation - has been designed by the Chemical Engineering Materials Environment Department and by the Chemistry Department for the high education of young engineers, chemists and industrial chemists to face all the problems related with the research activities of chemical and process industries.
The research subjects treated in the course deal with the processes in the fields of petro-chemistry, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, energy source, environment, green chemistry and chemical engineering and industrial biotechnologies. These topics may be developed also with respect to the industrial safety aspects.
The aim of the PhD course is to educate the candidates to carry out and coordinate research activities, to transfer the results from laboratory to industrial scale, to develop new processes and to optimize the existing ones. The PhD student training program is based on the development of an original research project, under the supervision of a teacher member of the PhD board.
The training program is completed by the participation in tailored courses and seminars offered by the Doctoral School (minimum 60 hours over the three year cycle), and other didactic activities approved by the board, such as the participation to National o International PhD Schools.
The courses offered by the Doctoral School (completely taught in English) aim at providing more in-depth knowledge of the basic aspects of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, such as research methodologies (data analysis, experimental planning and scheduling, technology transfer, fund raising), and offering more practical insight on the numerous research areas towards which it is currently possible to extend Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry skills. The courses are organized in modules and their content will be decided, on an annual basis, by the Doctoral School board for each of the PhD course.
Students are also encouraged to carry out part of their activity in foreign universities or research centers. In general, any exchange or contact with organizations different from the home university is favored, in view of obtaining increasing knowledge and specialization in their own field of research.

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM629
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale
0 0 0 0

Tipologia 2: DM630 Tipologia 3: Partenariati estesi Tipologia 4: Enti terzi ed Eccellenza Tipologia 5: Sapienza
1 0 0 (+4*) 6

Senza borsa Annotazioni
2 * Dopo la pubblicazione del bando sono state finanziate 4 borse da parte di ENEA sulle seguenti tematiche vincolate: 1) "Sviluppo di materiali elettrodici per batterie aprotiche"/"Development of electrode materials for aprotic batteries”, 2) "Sviluppo di tecnologie di celle elettrolitiche microbiologiche per la produzione di idrogeno"/"Development of microbiological electrolytic cell technologies for hydrogen production”, 3) "Analisi di sostenibilità tecnico economica di Hydrogen Valley mediante simulazioni di processo e impiego di strumenti del Machine Learning"/"Techno-economic sustainability analysis of Hydrogen Valley by process simulations and Machine Learning tools”, 4) "Modellazione e simulazione termo-fluidodinamica di processi di elettrolisi ad alta temperatura"/"Thermo-fluid-dynamic modeling and simulation of high-temperature electrolysis processes”.

Themes, curriculum and specific competence

Borse ex D.M. 630: 1

Admission Procedure

Qualifications assessment The Evaluation Board will evaluate the curriculum of studies submitted, with particular reference to:
- Graduation Vote (or average of examinations votes for candidates who have not yet got the title), normalized to the University average of votes
- Duration of the course of study of the candidate
- Experiences abroad (including ERASMUS)
- Past research experiences (research grants or fellowship)
- Participation to post-graduate course or stage
- Other (awards, second degree)
- Research project

Oral interview The oral test (interview) will deal with:
- Discussion on the research project, including future developments
- Short exposure of the research conducted for the purpose of the thesis for the Master's degree and future development
- Critical analysis of a scientific article in English, assigned 24 hours before the interview by the Evaluation Committee
language INGLESE

contacts and info'INDUSTRIA-EPERL'AMBIENTE_nD3510_IT.aspx

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
Graduation date and grade of the Bachelor’s degree
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
Certificates of Foreign Languages
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
certificates of Participation in research groups
certificates of Participation in internships
Other University Awards/Degrees (e.g.: awards in competition, second degree)

Required documentation

§ research project
- Max 2 pages (excluded references)
- Research framework and state of the art
- Objectives and expected results
- Future developments
(suggested topics for the research project are available at the course website)
, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Please add in the Curriculum Vitae all information related to: Duration of the course of study of the candidate (max 1 point); Experiences abroad (including ERASMUS), if any (max 1 point); Past scholarship or research grants, if any (max 1 point); Participation to post-graduate advanced course, if any (max 1 point); Awards, second degree or other qualifications, if any (max 1 point), the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Qualifications assessment
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication27/06/2024

Oral interview
classroomBiblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica Materiali Ambiente
addressFacoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale - Via Eudossiana 18 - 00184 Roma
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication19-07-2024

Day of publication of the final outcome: 19-07-2024

Evaluation scale

Qualifications assessment english version

Oral interview english version

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma