The courses of the first module (TOPICS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - 4 CFU) were delivered from 27 June to 1 July 2022:
Facing the intermittency problem of renewable energies: a chemical engineering perspective - Part 1, Professors Annesini and Murmura, ENEA teachers: Turchetti, Moreno, F. Bassetti seminar (Magaldi Green Energy.
Facing the intermittency problem of renewable energies: a chemical engineering perspective - Part 2, Prof. Bubbico, Prof. Celeste
The courses of the second module (TOPICS IN CHEMICAL, BIOCHEMICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSES - 4 ECTS) were delivered between 26 June 2023 and 6 July 2023:
1) Chemical and (Bio) chemical approaches to biopolymers synthesis and degradation (6 hours), Prof. Cleofe Palocci and Marianna Villano
2) Novel biobased biomaterial for industrial applications (6 hours), Prof. Laura Chronopoulou
3) Electrified biotechnologies for environmental applications (6 hours), Prof. Marco Zeppilli
4) Development of selective bioprocesses for microorganisms with high accumulation ability for bio-compounds (6 hours), Fabrizio di Caprio
The courses of the Methods for Research and Technology Transfer module - 3 CFU, were delivered from 12 to 14 September 2023.
These courses were: Nonlinear dynamics of chemical processes (1 CFU), Prof. Altimari and prof. Brasiello; Conceptual Chemical Process Design and Control (1 CFU), Prof. Bildea (University Polytechnica of Bucharest); Life cycle assessment and environmental footprint of processes (1 CFU), Prof. Moreschi, University of Genoa.