Call for application 40th cycle

Bando ordinario

Educational goals and objectives

The PhD in Public Law is divided into five curricula: Constitutional Law and General Public Law; Administrative law; Criminal law and procedure; International and European Union Law and Law and Economics. The curriculum in Constitutional Law and General Public Law studies the classic issues of the two disciplines, as they were defined by Italian and European public law doctrine. Topics that refer to general, sectoral, state, supranational legal systems; to the sources of law; fundamental rights and legal situations, also with reference to multilevel protection systems in Europe; the dynamics of territorial decentralization; to constitutional guarantees and constitutional justice; to the government structures, with reference to the relations between the supreme bodies of the state, the local authorities and the institutions of the European Union. The one in Administrative Law explores the transformation processes relating to the organization and functioning of public administrations and issues relating to the principle of legality and judicial protection against acts of the public administration. The research scope extends from the study of international administrations, and in particular its coordination with the national administration, to the analysis of individual sector issues such as food safety, environmental protection and competition. The one in Criminal Law and Procedure proposes a didactic-training offer in a dimension attentive to the interdisciplinary framework of the criminal sciences, with the intention of stimulating doctoral students to a greater openness of their research, which takes into account the reciprocal interactions and influences with other disciplines such as prison law, criminology, forensic medicine and forensic psychology. The one in Law and Economics promotes interdisciplinary legal and economic research activity, in order to improve the understanding of the reasons and effects of regulatory intervention, of the choices relating to institutional arrangements and of the problems connected to the enforcement of legal norms. The law therefore appears as an object of study, characterized by a set of behavioral incentives/disincentives, to be analyzed and studied through the use of economic instruments. The one in International and European Union Law intends to offer advanced training in the field of transnational legal phenomena and the relationships governed by international law and by the law of European integration. PhD students will have to lead seminars and thematic debates in order to develop analytical and critical skills; activities that will be carried out in constant interaction with the other curricula in order to allow for the development of methodological perspectives of an interdisciplinary nature.

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM629
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale
0 0 1 0

Tipologia 2: DM630 Tipologia 3: Partenariati estesi Tipologia 4: Enti terzi ed Eccellenza Tipologia 5: Sapienza
0 0 0 7

Senza borsa

Themes, curriculum and specific competence

Borse ex D.M. 629: 1

Admission Procedure

Presentation of a research project Candidates must submit a research project that they intend to carry out during the three-year PhD program, which will be evaluated by the Selection Committee for admission to the written test. The project must have a minimum length of 25,000 characters and a maximum of 35,000 characters (including spaces, punctuation and bibliography), written in Italian and including an index and bibliography (with bibliographic references also international), must indicate the reference subject in the course curricula doctoral degree (administrative law, constitutional law and general public law, criminal law and procedure; international and european law; law and economics). The evaluation of the research project is carried out according to the following parameters: (i) Relevance of the research project. The project is required to account for the scientific elaboration on the chosen research topic, highlighting the main problems that it poses. Particular attention is required regarding comparative law and the possible supranational and international relevance of the research topic. (ii) Structuring of the research project. The structure of the project must unfold according to internally coherent lines and linked arguments, also through the illustration of the chosen methodological approach. Structuring in chapters or even in paragraphs is not strictly required in the presentation of the project. Projects that do not meet the minimum length of 25,000 characters and a maximum of 35,000 characters (including spaces, punctuation and bibliography) will be excluded. The name of the candidate or other identifying marks (like background images or watermarks) must not appear on the title page, but only the university registration number, the curriculum for which you want to compete, the title of the project, strictly in PDF version, under penalty of exclusion.
Candidates who have obtained a minimum grade of 14/20 are admitted to the written test.
language ITALIANO

Written examination The written test consists of the development of a theme of: 1. Administrative Law; 2. Constitutional Law and General Public Law; 3. Criminal Law and Procedure; 4. International and European Law; 5. Law and Economics, extracted from three traces prepared by the Commission for each curriculum. For the curriculum of Law and Criminal Procedure, the topics of the exam may be about, at the discretion of the Commission, or an argument - to be extracted from a triad - between Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure or a theme chosen by the candidate - also extracted from a three - of Criminal Law or Criminal Procedure. Normally the discussion is of a theoretical nature (not as practical as proof of qualification for the profession) and can also be inspired by relevant case law. With regard to the International Law and European Union Law curriculum, two separate lists of three topics for each subject will be chosen by the board of examiners. Within each of the lists, one topic will be drawn by candidates and will be the subject of the written part of the test.
Test language: ITALIAN.
The evaluation criteria of the written test are the following: grammatical and syntactic correctness; expository clarity; completeness of the treatment; consistent and orderly argumentative development; problematic analysis of the topics; knowledge of the doctrinal debate and the main jurisprudential addresses; historical-comparative framework.
Candidates who have obtained a minimum grade of 40/60 are admitted to the oral exam.
language ITALIANO

Oral interview Candidates who pass the written test will submit a discussion to the Selection Committee focusing on the research project they intend to carry out in the doctorate. Test language: ITALIAN. The evaluation criteria for the oral exam are the following: aptitude for research and motivation to study; argumentative capacity and problematic approach; good knowledge of curricular subjects; fairness and clarity of exposition. Moreover, during the test, the knowledge and mastery of the English language is ascertained both with the reading and translation of an English text, and with the possible exposure in English of the research project. The oral examination is considered passed if the candidate obtains a score of at least 26/40.
language ITALIANO

contacts and info Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici ed Economici Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185 Roma 06/49910945

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree

Required documentation

§ research project
Candidates must submit a research project that they intend to carry out during the three-year PhD program, which will be evaluated by the Selection Committee for admission to the written test. The project must have a minimum length of 25,000 characters and a maximum of 35,000 characters (including spaces, punctuation and bibliography), written in Italian and including an index and bibliography (with bibliographic references also international), must indicate the reference subject in the course curricula doctoral degree (administrative law, constitutional law and general public law, criminal law and procedure; international and european law; law and economics). The evaluation of the research project is carried out according to the following parameters: (i) Relevance of the research project. The project is required to account for the scientific elaboration on the chosen research topic, highlighting the main problems that it poses. Particular attention is required regarding comparative law and the possible supranational and international relevance of the research topic. (ii) Structuring of the research project. The structure of the project must unfold according to internally coherent lines and linked arguments, also through the illustration of the chosen methodological approach. Structuring in chapters or even in paragraphs is not strictly required in the presentation of the project. Projects that do not meet the minimum length of 25,000 characters and a maximum of 35,000 characters (including spaces, punctuation and bibliography) will be excluded. The name of the candidate or other identifying marks (like background images or watermarks) must not appear on the title page, but only the university registration number, the curriculum for which you want to compete, the title of the project, strictly in PDF version, under penalty of exclusion.
Candidates who have obtained a minimum grade of 14/20 are admitted to the written test.

, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Altra tipologia ( Presentation of a research project)
classroomAula Seminari - Istituto di Diritto Pubblico
addressCU002 - Edificio di Giurisprudenza - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication01/07/2024

Written examination
classroomAula 101
addressCU002 - Edificio di Giurisprudenza - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication17/07/2024

Oral interview
classroomAula Seminari - Istituto di Diritto Pubblico (2° piano)
addressCU002 - Edificio di Giurisprudenza - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication24/07/2024

Day of publication of the final outcome: 24/07/2024

Evaluation scale

Altra tipologia ( Presentation of a research project) english version

Written examination english version

Oral interview english version

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma