
In questa pagina sono pubblicati gli avvisi relativi ai seminari offerti dal nostro dottorato. In assenza di specificazioni, sono facoltativi e proposti agli studenti di tutti i curricula. Sono invece indicati specificamente i casi in cui sono obbligatori e concorrono al conseguimento dei CFU previsti.
Sono inoltre fornite informazioni su altri seminari, convegni, workshop, non organizzati dal dottorato ma ritenuti di interesse per i dottorandi e ai quali si consiglia la partecipazione, in particolare per gli studenti dei curricula indicati.



Disuguaglianza e democrazia
14 giugno 2023 edificio CU002 Scienze politiche - Aula XIII piano terra
Leonardo Morlino - Francesco Raniolo

COVID-19 and Learning Loss: A Global Perspective
12 Maggio 2023 ore 12:00-13.30 Aula B14 (Via Salaria)
Prof. Louis Volante - Department of Educational Studies, Brock University. Professorial Fellow, UNU-MERIT / Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. President-Elect, Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). SEMINARIO IN INGLESE ORGANIZZATO DAL DOTTORATO
Non-hierarchical dialogues between North and South: complementary learning in building social theory
11 Maggio 2023 ore 14:00 Aula B8 (Via Salaria)
Prof. Raquel Andrade Weiss - Università Federale di Rio Grande del Sud - Porto Alegre - Brasile
Introducono: Matteo Finco e Giuseppe Ricotta
SEMINARIO IN INGLESE ORGANIZZATO DAL DOTTORATO per gli studenti di tutti i curricula

Cross-National Achievement Surveys:Data, Practices and political reforms within the European Union
8 Maggio 2023 ore 12:00-13.30 Aula B8 (Via Salaria)
Prof. Louis Volante - Department of Educational Studies, Brock University. Professorial Fellow, UNU-MERIT / Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. President-Elect, Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). SEMINARIO IN INGLESE ORGANIZZATO DAL DOTTORATO
Towards Polyphony: Women Voices in Sociological Canon
4 Maggio 2023 ore 14:00 Aula B8 (Via Salaria)
Prof. Raquel Andrade Weiss - Università Federale di Rio Grande del Sud - Porto Alegre - Brasile
Introducono: Matteo Finco e Giuseppe Ricotta
SEMINARIO IN INGLESE ORGANIZZATO DAL DOTTORATO per gli studenti di tutti i curricula

Digital Organizing: pratiche, strumenti e sfide dei processi di digitalizzazione nelle organizzazioni
27 aprile 2023 ore 14:00 - 16:00 Aula B8 (Via Salaria)
Attila Bruni - Università di Trento

PNRR coesione sociale e territori
26 Aprile 2023 ore 12/14 Aula B14 (Via Salaria)
Prof.ssa Floriana Cerniglia - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Prof.ssa Emma Galli - Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof.ssa Rosangela Lodigiani - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Prof.Giulio Moini - Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof.Gianfranco Vesti - Università degli studi di Bari
Saluti di indirizzo: Prof. Pierpaolo D'Urso
Introduce: Prof. Andrea Ciarini
SEMINARIO ORGANIZZATO DAL DOTTORATO per gli studenti di tutti i curricula

Contemporary Durkheim: a Research Program in Sociology of Morality
13 Aprile 2023 ore 14:00 Aula B8 (Via Salaria)
Prof. Raquel Andrade Weiss - Università Federale di Rio Grande del Sud - Porto Alegre - Brasile
Introducono: Matteo Finco e Giuseppe Ricotta
SEMINARIO IN INGLESE ORGANIZZATO DAL DOTTORATO per gli studenti di tutti i curricula

Non siamo tutti sulla stessa barca. Le sfide del nostro tempo agli occhi di un ragazzo. (descrizione all'interno)
28 Marzo 2023 ore 10:00-12:00 Aula Portico (Via Salaria)

Rethinking criticism in education: the new materialism (descrizione all'interno)
14 marzo, h14-16, aula b8, Via Salaria 113
Paolo Landri - Primo Ricercatore del CNR- IRPPS (Fisciano, SA). Responsabile di INPOS, un progetto di ricerca sull’innovazione nelle politiche sociali e nei regimi di welfare.



Space|Economy. The spatial turn in applied social and economic research
19 dicembre 2022
Spatial data, methods and themes have been gaining centrality in many areas pof applied economic research A spatial perspective iș indeed crucial to understand globalization, inequalities, migration, the pandemič, digital capitalism, climate change, and in many other fields of investigation. Thanks to GIS software, big data or satellite imagery, spatial data is literally burgeoning. It is therefore important to find a common ground for discussing theoretical, epistemological and practical issues related to the use of spatial data and methods, going beyond traditional disciplinary and thematic boundaries. In the workshop, PhDs from various Departments of Sapienza will present their ongoing research, and reflect on the challenges of using spatial methodologies. The workshop will be opened by the key-note speech of Simona lammarino, former head of the Department of Geography and Environment at the USE, and renowned expert in the study of regional economic development and policy, multinational corporations, innovation and technological change.

Multi-criteria methodological approaches for socio-economic systems
21 novembre 2022
Prof.ssa Gerarda Fattoruso (Sannio University, Italy)
ore 14.30 - Sapienza Università di Roma, Sala Riunioni (3° piano ed CU002 ex Scienze Statistiche - stanza 301)
Decisions are the main pivot in the economic and social sciences. The analysis of the processes that lead to choices and the elements that condition them converge in the decision theories: an interdisciplinary research area based on the contributions of mathematics, statistics, economics, sociology, philosophy, psychology and management. In most cases, the theories that deal with the decisions assume the perfect rationality of the decision maker, therefore the ability to identify the best choice, passing through an essentially analytical process always referable to logical structures. Actually, however, perfect rationality does not always represent a model capable of interpreting the processes of choice. In the contemporary world, the variety of possible options is increasing, the range of solutions to problems among which each decision maker, man, machine, organization, must choose. As complexity increases, it is not so much the ability to make a decision about a certain problem (problem solving) that is critical, but the ability to decide which is the most relevant problem to deal with, or the one that is most convenient to tackle (problem finding). The concept of decision considered as the choice to undertake an action, among several available alternatives, by an individual or a group of individuals changes. Recently, new lines of research have been developed to better satisfy the diversity of conditions encountered in real world; among these we find the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), born to face with problems of different nature. They have the function of providing the Decision Maker (DM) with tools to deal with complex decision-making problems that he has to face. MCDM allow comparison on multiple criteria with the aim of contributing to the development of a learning process that feeds the decision-making process. Multi-criteria methods can be used to manage complexity, stimulate the participation of decision makers and facilitate communication between those involved. The use of MCDM methods is widely adopted in different fields of interest. Their use is motivated on the one hand by the high complexity of decision-making problems, and on the other by solving problems using advanced techniques

5, 20 ottobre; 2, 17, 30 novembre, 15 dicembre
Il trentennale del Trattato di Maastricht e il ventennale dellʼadozione dellʼEuro: riflessioni e prospettive in una visione interdisciplinare
18 ottobre 2022
Seminario non organizzato dal dottorato
Scopo essenziale dell'iniziativa è quello di offrire, in una prospettiva interdisciplinare (economica, giuridica, sociologica, statistica), alcune riflessioni sia sul Trattato di Maastricht che sullʼadozione dell'Euro da parte di alcuni paesi europei come moneta comune, mettendo in risalto le varie conseguenze prodotte sui paesi aderenti all'Unione europea in questi anni e su quelle probabili negli anni a venire.

International Conference on Sustainability Analysis - ICSA
14-15 July 2022
Sustainability is one of the most frequent concepts in institutional and academic debate in recent years. However, its meaning remains controversial and elusive. The term does not have a univocal definition in literature, although it is widespread and there are several research trends in this field. Consequently, different disciplines have contributed to the sustainability debate. Thus, there are many definitions currently in circulation, often divergent from one another. Moreover, the concept has changed over time, taking on new meanings related to the different phases of the international debate. We can consider sustainability as a contested concept. This conference aims to analyze sustainability taking into account its multidisciplinary nature, which has undoubtedly influenced the difficulty of a univocally accepted definition. Contributions from different disciplines will be accepted and encouraged, from sociology to statistics, from law to economics, and so on

Field research in sensitive contexts (Dr. Irene Tuzi Università Sapienza di Roma and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin )
27 giugno 2022 14.00 - 17.00 Aula B8
This seminar aims at encouraging an in-depth and critical reflection on qualitative research methods used in fragile contexts and sensitive research areas. Carrying out fieldwork in humanitarian contexts, conflict-sensitive settings, situations of poverty, social exclusion, and systemic violence often constitutes many ethical and methodological challenges for a researcher. Some of the topics on which this seminar will focus are: interacting with vulnerable and disadvantaged populations; gender-specific challenges; researcher’s positionality, self-reflexivity, and access to the field; practical and social implications of the research; psychological repercussions for the researcher; research limitations and challenges; security in authoritarian and fragile contexts. The discussion will be developed around case studies and reading materials and will encourage interested participants to carry out a fieldwork exercise. This seminar is particularly suitable for PhD candidates in migration and refugee studies, gender studies, or humanitarian studies who are expected to carry out field research. At the end of the seminar, participants will gain the theoretical tools to critically approach qualitative research in a perspective of sensitive contexts

Digital Governance of Education
June 7, 2022 - 15:00 – 17:00 PM
Prof. Paolo Landri (CNR- IRPPS)
Education policy and practice are more and more imbricated in digital technologies and platforms. As a result, the very condition of the education policy and practice is being reshaped by a concatenation of data, algorithms, codes and expertise. Pandemic has accelerated this process and now platforms, software, algorithms are becoming ‘the new magic’ to change education from the scratch (Cone et al., 2021; Grek & Landri, 2021). Accordingly, a widespread sense of inevitability characterizes the scenario of the education governance, aligned mostly on technological solutionism (Morozov, 2019). To counter this simplistic and reductionist approach, I will introduce what I will call untimely investigations on the digital education governance, that is a research program interested in ‘pursuing questions no one seems to ask or and looking in a direction where most people are not looking’ (Heimans & Biesta, 2020). By drawing theoretically on Actor Network Theory and empirically on a set of research on the contemporary transformations of the education system in Italy (Landri, 2018, 2020), I will focus on the becoming digital of education governance and school leadership in this country with the aim of (re)considering the political and the educational dimensions of the digital governance. The development of cartographies of the digital education governance will illustrate, in particular, the increasing entanglement of public education in privately owned and commercial platforms through processes of soft privatization and the progressive dilution of educational issues into the language of learning.

Seminario di presentazione del libro di Chiara Saraceno, David Benassi, Enrica Morlicchio, La povertà in Italia (il Mulino 2022)
Lunedì 23 Maggio, ore 12.00, Aula B14
Il libro esplora le dimensioni strutturali della povertà nel nostro paese in un'ottica comparata. La povertà è un fenomeno multidimensionale, prodotto dall'interazione di una pluralità di elementi e non legato soltanto alla mancanza di lavoro. Ne sono corresponsabili, in Italia, la crescente precarietà del mercato del lavoro, i bassi tassi di occupazione femminile, la frammentazione e l'eterogeneità del sistema di protezione sociale, la scarsa e diseguale disponibilità di servizi di conciliazione famiglia-lavoro, le forti differenze territoriali. Un quadro reso ancora più difficile dalle due crisi che hanno caratterizzato i primi vent'anni del secolo, quella finanziaria del 2008 e quella pandemica. In assenza di politiche che agiscano sull'intero complesso di questi fattori, il solo aumento dell'occupazione non è sufficiente ai fini di una riduzione della povertà.
Visual Methods and the Urban Experience
20 maggio 2022
The seminar brings together scholars from the fields of visual sociology and anthropology, of visual culture and political science and documentary filmmaking to debate the nature of visual research in urban contexts. How can we gather a better understanding of cities and urban life thanks to a visual perspective? What are the benefits of this particular angle vis-a-vis other kinds of research? What research techniques are better suited for studying urban contexts?

From Innovation systems to socio-economic transition
16 e 23 Maggio 2022 - aula B8 ore 16.00
Dr. Bianca Maria Potì - IRCRES CNR (componente del collegio dei docenti) - obbligatorio per gli studenti del curriculum 5
a) May 16 Room B8 h. 16.00 - the conceptual and methodological tools. Analytical concepts, disciplinary building blocks and their interrelations, methods and instruments to study innovation systems’ transition dynamics.
b) May 23 - Room B8 h. 16.00. Historical and recent case studies. Mission oriented policy and its evaluation. Future lines of research. Models for understanding transitions, models for providing case-specific policy advice, and models for facilitating stakeholder processes.



Open to all curricula: Cross-national achievement surveys for monitoring educational outcomes: Select findings from an analysis of policies, practices, and political reforms within the European Union
November 22, 2021 - Aula B8 - Via Salaria 113 - h. 10-12 Louis Volante (Brock University, Canada; Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, NL) - Google meet link for remote attendance:
Cross-national achievement surveys such as the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) have been widely used to monitor educational achievement, examine its determinants and facilitate education policy reforms across the European Union. This presentation discusses initial findings from a recent cross-national analysis of policy reforms within a select group of European countries: Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Poland, Estonia and Slovakia. The discussion provides a critical analysis of the use (and misuses) of cross-national achievement surveys for monitoring educational outcomes and policy development. The seminar also discusses the trends and trajectories of education reform associated with cross-national achievement surveys and offers insights into the future of transnational governance within the European Union.
Open to all curricula: Student testing, academic resilience, and policy coherence in a post-Covid world
November 26 15.00-17.00 - Aula Magna Via Salaria 113 - Louis Volante (Brock University, Canada; Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, NL)
Academic resilience is the general notion that students from disadvantaged households achieve favorable achievement outcomes despite coming from lower socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds. Interest in this topic has been facilitated by national and international testing organizations, such as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which quantify the relative percentage of academically resilient students within and across countries. Yet recent research conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the growing necessity of broader notions of academic resilience that recognize important psychosocial and physical well-being issues that are typically not captured by large-scale assessment results. This presentation examines design considerations for innovative student testing measures that provide a more multifaceted and comprehensive profile of academic resilience. The seminar concludes by discussing policy options to consider in building resilient schools, communities, and societies for a post-COVID world.
Open to all curricula - L'economia del COVID (in italiano)
30 novembre 2021 - Ore 12:00-13:30 - aula T01 - Giorgio Rodano
Il seminario si concentra sugli effetti economici della pandemia da Covid-19. Il confronto con una precedente pandemia (influenza Spagnola) mostra che quella attuale ha avuto inizialmente effetti recessivi molto più pronunciati seguiti (dopo l’arrivo dei vaccini) da una rapida ripresa. Nel seminario si discutono le ragioni di questo andamento. Utilizzando i risultati del modello di Eichenbaum et al. (2020), si mostra che la dimensione della recessione è dipesa da politiche di lockdown giustificate dal fatto che le reazioni individuali, pur andando nella direzione giusta, non erano ottimali (esternalità positiva). Saranno inoltre illustrate alcune caratteristiche della recessione italiana e discusse prospettive e i problemi dell’attuale ripresa alla luce delle dinamiche attuali della pandemia.

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