International Conference on Sustainability Analysis - ICSA

Sustainability is one of the most frequent concepts in institutional and academic debate in recent years. However, its meaning remains controversial and elusive. The term does not have a univocal definition in literature, although it is widespread and there are several research trends in this field. Consequently, different disciplines have contributed to the sustainability debate. Thus, there are many definitions currently in circulation, often divergent from one another. Moreover, the concept has changed over time, taking on new meanings related to the different phases of the international debate. We can consider sustainability as a contested concept. This conference aims to analyze sustainability taking into account its multidisciplinary nature, which has undoubtedly influenced the difficulty of a univocally accepted definition. Contributions from different disciplines will be accepted and encouraged, from sociology to statistics, from law to economics, and so on

14-15 July 2022

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma