Digital Governance of Education

Prof. Paolo Landri (CNR- IRPPS)
Education policy and practice are more and more imbricated in digital technologies and platforms. As a result, the very condition of the education policy and practice is being reshaped by a concatenation of data, algorithms, codes and expertise. Pandemic has accelerated this process and now platforms, software, algorithms are becoming ‘the new magic’ to change education from the scratch (Cone et al., 2021; Grek & Landri, 2021). Accordingly, a widespread sense of inevitability characterizes the scenario of the education governance, aligned mostly on technological solutionism (Morozov, 2019). To counter this simplistic and reductionist approach, I will introduce what I will call untimely investigations on the digital education governance, that is a research program interested in ‘pursuing questions no one seems to ask or and looking in a direction where most people are not looking’ (Heimans & Biesta, 2020). By drawing theoretically on Actor Network Theory and empirically on a set of research on the contemporary transformations of the education system in Italy (Landri, 2018, 2020), I will focus on the becoming digital of education governance and school leadership in this country with the aim of (re)considering the political and the educational dimensions of the digital governance. The development of cartographies of the digital education governance will illustrate, in particular, the increasing entanglement of public education in privately owned and commercial platforms through processes of soft privatization and the progressive dilution of educational issues into the language of learning.

June 7, 2022 - 15:00 – 17:00 PM

Education policy and practice are more and more imbricated in digital technologies and platforms. As a result, the very condition of the education policy and practice is being reshaped by a concatenation of data, algorithms, codes and expertise. Pandemic has accelerated this process and now platforms, software, algorithms are becoming ‘the new magic’ to change education from the scratch (Cone et al., 2021; Grek & Landri, 2021). Accordingly, a widespread sense of inevitability characterizes the scenario of the education governance, aligned mostly on technological solutionism (Morozov, 2019). To counter this simplistic and reductionist approach, I will introduce what I will call untimely investigations on the digital education governance, that is a research program interested in ‘pursuing questions no one seems to ask or and looking in a direction where most people are not looking’ (Heimans & Biesta, 2020). By drawing theoretically on Actor Network Theory and empirically on a set of research on the contemporary transformations of the education system in Italy (Landri, 2018, 2020), I will focus on the becoming digital of education governance and school leadership in this country with the aim of (re)considering the political and the educational dimensions of the digital governance. The development of cartographies of the digital education governance will illustrate, in particular, the increasing entanglement of public education in privately owned and commercial platforms through processes of soft privatization and the progressive dilution of educational issues into the language of learning.

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