Study plan for the academic year 2022/2023

List of courses / activities for the first year

Corsi di carattere istituzionale avanzato 5
Attività di tipo seminariale o di laboratorio 15
Attività formative e di ricerca autonomamente scelte dal dottorando e approvate dal Collegio dei Docenti 5
Attività connesse con la ricerca 35
Introduction to structural equation models with Mplus 1, Prof. Vecchione 1
Introduction to structural equation models with Mplus 2, Prof. Vecchione 1
Introduction to mediation, moderation and conditional processes 1, Prof. Alessandri 1
Introduction to mediation, moderation and conditional processes 2, Prof. Alessandri 1
Research Synthesis: an introduction to reviews, meta-analysis and PRISMA criteria, Dott. Perinelli non previsti
Measure invariance - multigroup application 1, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 2, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 3, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 4, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Cluster Analysis, Prof.ssa Gerbino 1
Advancements in burnout research, Prof.ssa Chiara Consiglio non previsti
Theories and models of Personality development 1, Prof.Gerbino non previsti
Theories and models of Personality development 2, Prof.Gerbino non previsti
ANOVA, Prof. di Giunta non previsti
From quantitative analysis to triangulation of methods in job psychology, Prof. Fagnani non previsti

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The number of university credits have been rounded for each activity (courses, seminars, research activity, etc.) and is listed in the table aggregated for each different topic (1 CFU = 8 hours).

Courses: 5 CFU
Among these:
Curriculum CoSAN
1) Methods for research in Cognitive, Social and Affective Neuroscience (literature review, Hypotheses formulation, experimental designs, research methods);
2) R course for handling experimental data.

Curriculum POP
1) Introduction to structural equation models with Mplus;
2) Analysis of variance;
3) Introduction to mediation, moderation and conditional processes;
4) Cluster Analysis;
5) Measure invariance - multigroup application
6) Research Synthesis: Review, Meta-Analysis, and PRISMA Criteria;
7) Scientific writing.

Seminars and lab activities: 15 CFU

Research activities: 35 CFU

Activities autonomously chosen by the student and approved by the PhD board: 5 CFU

Theoretical seminars for both curricula.
Monthly lab meetings.
Meetings with visiting scholars and seminars.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Each student will be assigned a supervisor which will help the student develop their project and learning advancements. A topic will be chosen according to the research lines of the PhD programme.
The thesis project will be agreed upon by the first three months from the beginning of the academic year.

Admission to the second year

Passing to the II year is based on the following two criteria:
1) Achievement of minimum 40/60 CFU by taking part to courses, seminars, and research activities. Only for the CoSAN curriculum: participating to at least 8 out of 12 lab meetings form the SCN Lab (Prof. Aglioti). Presenting the data of own research at 1 lab meeting;
2) Approval of the PhD board.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Attività di tipo seminariale o di laboratorio 15
Attività formative e di ricerca autonomamente scelte dal dottorando e approvate dal Collegio dei Docenti 5
Attività connesse con la ricerca 35
Corsi di carattere istituzionale avanzato di metodologia 5
Introduction to mediation, moderation and conditional processes 1, Prof. Alessandri 1
Introduction to mediation, moderation and conditional processes 2, Prof. Alessandri 1
Research Synthesis: an introduction to reviews, meta-analysis and PRISMA criteria, Dott. Perinelli non previsti
Measure invariance - multigroup application 1, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 2, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 3, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 4, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Latent Profile Analysis, Prof. Ghezzi 1
Convergence and discrepancy among informants, Prof. Zuffianò 1
Advanced course on moderated mediation and mediated moderation 1, Prof. Alessandri 1
Advanced course on moderated mediation and mediated moderation 2, Prof. Alessandri 1
Multilevel Models, Prof. Zuffianò 1

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Courses: 5 CFU
Among these:
Curriculum CoSAN:
1) Statistical course on Power analysis;
2) Methods for research in clinico-traslational Neuroscience (literature review, Hypotheses formulation, experimental designs, research methods);.

Curriculum POP:
1) Advanced course on moderated mediation and mediated moderation;
2) Growth curve models;
3) Multilevel Models;
4) Latent Profile Analysis;
5) Measure invariance - multigroup application
6) Scientific writing
7) Convergence and discrepancy among different informants

Seminars and lab activities: 15 CFU

Research activities: 35 CFU

Activities autonomously chosen by the student and approved by the PhD board: 5 CFU

Theoretical seminars for both curricula.
Monthly lab meetings.
Meetings with visiting scholars and seminars.

Method of preparation of the thesis

Development of the studies for the final dissertation:
1) Selecting a theoretical model;
2) Hypothesis and data recording (experimental and/or field research);
3) Preliminary statistical analyses.

Admission to the third year

Passing to the II year is based on the following two criteria:
1) Achievement of minimum 40/60 CFU by taking part to courses, seminars, and research activities. Only for the CoSAN curriculum: participating to at least 8 out of 12 lab meetings form the SCN Lab (Prof. Aglioti). Presenting the data of own research at 1 lab meeting;
2) During the second year, students are asked to become more independent in carrying their research. Data recording should be advanced during the second year.
3) Approval of the PhD board.
4) Period abroad in an Institution of minimum 6, maximum 18 months.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Corsi di carattere istituzionale avanzato 5
Attività di tipo seminariale o di laboratorio 10
Attività formative e di ricerca autonomamente scelte dal dottorando e approvate dal Collegio dei Docenti 5
Attività connesse con la ricerca 40
Measure invariance - multigroup application 1, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 2, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 3, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Measure invariance - multigroup application 4, Prof. Barbaranelli 1
Advanced course on moderated mediation and mediated moderation 1, Prof. Alessandri 1
Advanced course on moderated mediation and mediated moderation 2, Prof. Alessandri 1

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Courses: 5 CFU
Among these:
Curriculum CoSAN
1) Advanced Methods for research in Cognitive, Social and Affective Neuroscience (literature review, Hypotheses formulation, experimental designs, research methods);

Curriculum POP
1) Measure invariance - multigroup Sem
2) Advanced Multilevel models
3) Convergence and discrepancy among different informants
4) Scientific writing

Seminars and lab activities: 10 CFU

Research activities: 40 CFU

Activities autonomously chosen by the student and approved by the PhD board: 5 CFU

Theoretical seminars for both curricula.
Monthly lab meetings.
Meetings with visiting scholars and seminars.

Method of admission to the final examination

Admission to thesis discussion is based on the following criteria:
1) Having published a paper on a peer-reviewed international journal;
2) Having completed the studies of the project;
3) Having received the positive evaluation of the external reviewers and form their supervisor;
4) Having completed a period of study/research abroad.

Final examination

The candidate will discuss their thesis in English, in front of a committee composed of national/international experts in the area of the PhD programme research lines.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma