Civil law and History of european law

- On May 6th, 2021, from 3:30 pm, Prof. Laura Moscati will give a lecture for PhD students of the “Civil law and history of European law” curriculum on the following topic: Equilibrio contrattuale tra rigore codicistico ed esigenze sociali
- On April 22th, 2021 a seminar on Libertà, Dubbio, Coscienza Morale  L’eredità Di Un Maestro: Arturo Carlo Jemolo (1891-1981) will be held in streamingAmong the numerous speeches there will be:
Jemolo e il diritto civile - Prof. Guido Alpa

Jemolo avvocato - Prof. Enrico Elio del Prato

- On April 14th, 2021, from 9 am, Prof. Laura Moscati will give a lecture for PhD students of the “Civil law and history of European law” curriculum on the following topic: I diritti sulle opere musicali e derivate.

- On March 26th, 2021, from 3 pm, as a part of the seminar Opere, Authorship e mercato. Diritti e tutele degli autori tra personalità e impresa, the following lesson will be held on Microsoft Teams: 
Diritti morali, direttive comunitarie e prospettive nel nord America - Prof. Laura Moscati. 

- On March 16th, 2021, from 9 am, the following lesson will be held on Google Meet: 
 La tutela europea delle opere dell’ingegno - Prof. Laura Moscati. 

- On February 2th, 2021, from 5:30 pm, the following lesson will be held on Zoom:

Napoleone Buonaparte e la proprietà intellettuale - Prof. Laura Moscati. 


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