
​The series, published by Mimesis publishing house, has welcomed since 2017 the publication of studies that originated as doctoral research and which were subsequently completed in the form of a monograph. It can also accommodate texts and other materials that are inherent to the teaching or research activity of the doctorate. Since 2022 the series has been published in open access and can be found on the publisher's website (link on the right).
The publication of works in the series is proposed by a member of the Board, usually the supervisor of the doctoral thesis, and approved by the PhD's Board and evaluated by the Scientific Committee.
For each publicatio​n ​it is necessary to acquire:
a) in the case of monographs, the judgment of two external evaluators, according to the double blind-review method;
b) in the case of collective works, the opinion of the specifically identified members of the Scientific Committee.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma