PhD programme in Political Studies aims to provide training focused on deepening the understanding of modern and contemporary political phenomena, analysing them through an interdisciplinary method and encouraging students to develop a critical view of these phenomena. The PhD in Political Studies, thanks to its multidisciplinarity and flexibility, offers high-level preparation for entry into the workforce as well as for the enhancement of skills useful for those already in a working position and wishing to improve it. An important employment outlet for PhDs in Political Studies remains the academic world: the PhD is, in fact, also by law, an indispensable tool for the training of future researchers and university professors. PhDs also find employment opportunities in public administration, in high-level roles offered by central and peripheral government institutions and research institutions; in private institutions and companies, such as foundations and research institutes; in the field of journalism and communication; and, finally, in international organisations, both governmental and non-governmental.
The teaching of the PhD programme in Political Studies aims to offer an in-depth knowledge of the constitutive and evolutionary dynamics of modern and contemporary politics, investigated through a comprehensive interdisciplinary perspective.
In implementing its multidisciplinary vocation, the Doctorate is divided into two curricula:
- History of political doctrines and institutions - Theory of socio-cultural and political processes, and of international cooperation The
curriculum in History of political doctrines and institutions has a predominantly historical-philosophical character and is divided into the following areas of study: History of political thought; Political philosophy; Modern and contemporary history; History of political institutions; History of international relations and economic, social, and cultural cooperation processes.
curriculum in Theory of socio-cultural and political processes and of international cooperation has a predominantly sociological and political character and is divided into the following areas of study: Political and social theory; Sociology of political, legal, and cultural processes; Theory of international relations and of international cooperation; Politolinguistics; Geopolitics.
The themes and methodology that inform the two curricula, while starting from a common and interdisciplinary base of competencies, which is characteristic of the training activity of the doctorate, are refined depending on the orientation of each candidate’s doctoral project and in conjunction with the PhD Scientific Board and tutors.
The main research directions of the Doctorate are:
- The study in a historical and theoretical key of discursive and conceptual elaborations on politics and the deepening of its epistemic and categorical foundations, in light of the most recent historiographical reflections;
- The analysis of contemporary governance processes in their most recent developments in the national and international debate, from a historical-comparative perspective;
- The study of international relations and cooperation relations, in a historical-reconstructive key and in relation to the current challenges of the "global era";
- The study of socio-cultural, legal, and political-institutional transformation processes, with particular reference to the dynamics of change in globalised society;
- The study and political analysis of cultural, social, and religious relations and conflicts.
Specific training objectives of the Course are:
- The deepening of the study of historical processes and scientific theories in the political, philosophical, sociological, and legal disciplines;
- The acquisition of a secure mastery of the methodologies of empirical research;
- The development of a solid theoretical awareness in the thematic areas of relevance of the doctorate;
- The achievement of competencies and professional skills necessary to interpret and "govern" the evolutionary dynamics of contemporary social, political, economic, and institutional phenomena, also with regard to equal opportunities and international cooperation processes.
The objectives of the PhD Programme will be pursued, firstly, through the creation of a community of students and professors who, sharing knowledge and expertise from different areas of the human, historical, political, and social sciences, will develop methodological and conceptual tools to enhance and, at the same time, overcome "disciplinary boundaries".
The activities planned for this purpose will be structured in a mandatory training course, as follows:
1. A first level common to all doctoral students for the first year, which will provide theoretical and methodological skills for the analysis of political, cultural, and social processes as well as knowledge on some areas of general interest;
2. A second level consisting of cycles of seminars characterizing the specific areas of study of the doctoral students (first, second, and third year).
In line with the international vocation of the PhD Programme, doctoral students are also encouraged to carry out research stays abroad for which they are supported through funding opportunities.