Delivered study plan 2023/2024

Doctoral training programme for the academic year 2023/2024 (39th cycle)


8 January 2024: Luca Scuccimarra, From the History of Ideas to Conceptual History. Methodological Models in Intellectual History  ⇒ h. 10.00-14.00                                                                                                 

9 January 2024: Maurizio Zinni, Visual Sources: Theoretical Aspects, Applications, Case Studies ⇒ h. 12.00-14.00

15 January 2024: Tommaso Baris, Historical Research Methodology ⇒ h. 10.00-12.00

16 January 2024: Sandro Guerrieri, Fields of Research and Methodology of the History of Political Institutions ⇒  h. 10.00-12.00

16 January 2024: Fausto Proietti, ⇒ h. 14.00-16.00

22 January 2024: Gianluca Borzoni, Studying the History of International Relations ⇒ h. 10.00-12.00

22 January 2024: Gabriele Natalizia, Interpreting International Relations. Comparing Traditions ⇒ h. 14.00-16.00

23 January 2024: Roberta Iannone, Paradigms and Research in Sociology ⇒ h. 12.00-14.00

29 January 2024: Matteo Marconi, Research Methodology in Geopolitics: the Israeli-Palestinian Case ⇒ h. 10.00-12.00

30 January 2024: Giovanni Ruocco, Post-Colonial Criticism as a Historiographical Method ⇒ h. 10.00-12.00 

N.B.: All seminars take place in the Conference Room (Room 8), Department of Political Sciences

Keywords of Politics: Equality and Diversity

5 February 2024: Maria Pia Paternò,  From Equality to Diversity: Human Rights and Women's Citizenship in Modern Political Thought ⇒ h. 10am-12pm

5 February 2024: Tito Marci, Otherness Beyond Equality and Diversity ⇒ h. 14.00-16.00

6 February 2024: Roberta Iannone and Ilaria Iannuzzi, The Gamification of Society: New Forms of Inclusion or Exclusion? ⇒ h. 10.00-12.00

27 February 2024: Giovanni Moro, Citizenship and Inequality ⇒ h. 10.00-12.00

27 February 2024: Cristiana Abbafati, Labour Market and Health: Primary and Secondary Inequalities ⇒ h. 10.00-12.00

5 March 2024: Maurizio Ricciardi, Equality, Exclusion, Rights: Social Concepts and Political Theory ⇒ Library Hall 2, h. 10.00-14.00

11 March 2024, Luigi Manzetti,  Income Inequality Conference Room (Room 8), 10-12

11 March 2024: Roberta Iannone and Romina Gurashi, Social Exclusion and Multiculturalism ⇒ Library Hall 2, h. 14.00-16.00

12 March 2024: Isabella Ferron, Library Hall 2,

12 March 2024: Paolo Sellari, Europe, Asia, and Infrastructural Geopolitics ⇒ Library Hall 2, h. 14.00-16.00

18 April 2024: Marc Belissa, Alessandro Guerra, Fraternity and Inequality. French Revolution and Colonialism ⇒ 10.00-12.00 h.

14/5/2024: Gabriele Giacomini e Stefano De LucaScenari di partecipazione femminile alla politica. Dal passato al futuro digitale ⇒ Aula 8 h. 10.30-12.30

21/05/2024: Ilaria IannuzziUguaglianza e integrazione sociale: quale legame?, salone 8, h: 10-12

N.B.: All seminars take place in the Conference Room (Room 8), Department of Political Science


Doctoral training programme for the academic year 2023/2024 (37th–38th cycles)

Dialogues on Democracy

18 December 2023: Alfio Mastropaolo, Waging War by Other Means. Historical Sociology of Democratic Government, Introduction by Erica Antonini | Graduation Hall h. 15.00

15 January 2024: Jan Zelonka, Democracy’s Myopia: Time, Space, and the Crisis of Politics, Introduction by Chiara Fiorelli and Giovanni Ruocco | Room XIII h. 15.00

25 January 2024: Book presentation: Nadia Urbinati, La democrazia del sorteggio, Introduction by Giovanni Moro and L+orenzo Viviani | Library Hall h. 15.00

29 January 2024: Colin Crouch, Post-democracy, Introduction by Maria Cristina Marchetti | Room XIII h. 15.00

7 February: Daniel Innerarity, Pandemocracy. A Philosophy of the Infected World, Introduction by Enrico Graziani and Maria Pia Patermò | Graduation Hall h. 15.00

19 February 2024: Carlo Galli, Democracy Last Act? Introduction by Luca Scuccimarra | Room XIII h. 12.00

26 February 2024: Marco Mugnaini, The United Nations and the Question of Democracy, Introduction by Luca Micheletta and Valentina Zambrano | Library Hall 2, h. 15.00

29/4/2024: Roland Benedikter, Artificial Intelligence and Democracy – On the Way to “Algocracy“?  h.10.30-12.30; 13.30-15.30.

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