Pharmaceutical Sciences Ph.D. Course (a.y. 2023-2024)

PH.D. IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (a.y. 2023-2024)The PhD course takes place over three years. It includes a training activity that can consist of specialized courses, advanced training, research activities, internships, and writing of the doctoral thesis, as well as participation in conferences and schools, depending on the needs of the PhD Course.
The Board of Professors of the Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, in accordance with the University regulations, establishes the following rules for the educational activity:
1. The training of the PhD student is based on two fundamental elements: training activities (FA), which includes courses, seminars, workshops, and other didactic activities to acquire specific competencies and skills in the scientific field;  and Research Activity (AR), which consists of the elaboration of the individual research project under the supervision of the tutor and co-tutor. These two components are integrated to ensure quality training for the doctoral student.
2. During the three-year duration of the doctorate, the student must obtain a minimum of 100 hours reserved for training activities (FA). The distribution of credits over the three years is flexible and may vary according to the needs of individual doctoral students. However, it is recommended to follow the following indications: 50 hours of AF in the first year, 35 hours of AF in the second year, and 15 hours of AF in the third year.
3. The training plan of the Ph.D. program in SF includes the following training and research activities: a) compulsory participation in teaching courses, identified by the University catalog, which offer both an overview of the main areas and methodologies of the sector and an in-depth study of the issues related to the doctoral student's research project, held by qualified professors at Italian or foreign universities; b) the carrying out of periods of study or training at bodies or institutions of national or international importance; c) active participation in scientific seminars and conferences, in which the PhD student presents the results of their research.
4. The attached table describes the actions planned for each area of the training activity and the number of hours that can be assigned to each scheduled training action. The document aims to provide a guide for the design and evaluation of training courses, considering the objectives, contents and methods of delivery of training activities.
5. Each year, the doctoral student must send a detailed report on the training activities carried out to the Board.  This detailed report is an integral part of the written report on the activity carried out, which the doctoral student must submit every year to the academic board.

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