Delivered study plan 2022/2023

PhD students have taken seminars organized by the Scientific Board as well as take part to workshops and schools in agreement with the supervisor.
Inglese Scientifico 3CFU
Banche dati bibliografiche – cataloghi biblioteche 1CFU
Sicurezza in laboratorio 2CFU
Sperimentazione animale 1CFU
Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics 2CFU Speaker: Prof. Roberto Contestabile, Prof. Francesco Malatesta, Prof.ssa Serena Rinaldo
Sostanze Organiche naturali e di interesse alimentare e farmaceutico. (1CFU) Prof. Marco Franceschin
Corso di scrittura tecnico-scientifica (4CFU) Prof. Franco Lombardo
Corso teorico-pratico di statistica. (5 ore) Prof. Luca Digiacomo
Seminari dei membri Collegio Docenti Dottorato-Relatori Vari:
03/04/2023 Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs): Process Development and Analytical Characterization. New Challenges for Scientists - Dott.sse Alessandra Vallone e Valeria Puma, BSP Pharmaceuticals. CU019 Aula Magna F. Cacace.
22-23/02/2023 Design of chemical tools to reprogram cells: from Genetics to Epigenetics - Dr. Paola B. Arimondo, Head of Epigenetic Chemical Biology Unit Director of the Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry. CU019 Aula V. Carelli.
15 -16/02/2023 Short Course on ADME and Physicochemical Properties of Drugs - Dott. Franco Lombardo Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Minnesota. CU019 Aula V. Carelli.
12/06/2023 The discovery of Bcl3 inhibitors by computer-based drug design. 2 ore Prof. Andrea Brancale
21/02/2023 Targeted delivery to CD44 receptor through functionalized nanomedicines. (2 ore) Prof. Elias Fattal
02/03/2023 Nanotechnologies for drug delivery (2 ore) Prof. Elias Fattal Ciclo Di Seminari sui Radicali Liberi e loro utilizzi nella farmaceutica (8 ore) Prof. Giorgio Giorgi

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