Guide for Ph.D. students

First, each doctoral student should review this schedule.
Below we provide operational guidance regarding the doctoral student's obligations.

Choice of Supervisor
Normally, the Supervisor is a permanent member of the Department of Physics or a researcher/researcher from the institutions in agreement with the DIpartimento di Fisica (INFN - Rome1 Section, CNR - ISC, CNR - Nanotec, IIT, CREF).
If the Supervisor has a term contract, a co-Supervisor who falls into the above categories must also be identified.
The Supervisor's duties are summarized in this file.

Choosing the PhD Board Referent
Each Ph.D. student is affinced by a Contact Person who is a member of the College of Lecturers (a list of which is available in the menu on the left).
The choice of the Referent must be agreed upon with the Supervisor and the Referent himself/herself.
The Referent's role and duties are summarized in this file.

Isncription to the departmental database
Every doctoral student must be enrolled in the Physics Department database.
Such enrollment in the database is the responsibility of the Supervisor and not the doctoral secretariat.

Plan of studies - submission and changes
The plan of studies is submitted by filling out a Google form whose link is created by the Physics PhD secretariat and sent to all first-year PhD students.
The plan of studies, including the required 12 credits, is drawn up in agreement with Thesis Supervisor and PhD Board Referent.
The study plan can be changed, again in agreement with Supervisor and Referent. The change request should be sent via email to the Coordinator and in cc to the doctoral secretary (, Supervisor and Referent. The email request should have the following subject line: “Study plan change request YY cycle” (Send requests from the institutional email address only)

Thesis Project
At the end of the first year, each Ph.D. student must submit a short project on the thesis he/she has decided to develop in agreement with the Supervisor. This project will later be updated at the end of the sendo year.
Specific directions on when and how to submit the thesis project are provided by the doctoral secretary's office.

Admission to the next year of the program
The admission to the second year is decided by the PhD Board on the basis of the thesis project and completion of the study plan. Therefore, the activities in the study plan must be completed by September.
The admission to the third year is deliberated by the PhD Board on the basis of the updated thesis project, the Supervisor's report and the thesis progress seminar.

Final Examination
Details on the timing and manner of the thesis submission and discussion are detailed on the appropriate web page accessible from the menu on the left.

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