The Physics PhD Program at Sapienza is finalized to training scientific researchers with a wide spectrum of scientific knowledge: we expect them to be flexible with regards to all possible job related choices, and to be able to easily reach a high professional level in all fields where physics research is active. In a first period students will take advanced courses, and later they will enter deep in the research activities.
The Physics Department at Sapienza University of Rome is the largest among this discipline in Italy for number of faculty and students and hosts a vibrant research activity in the main areas of Fundamental and Applied Physics:
- Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics
- Biophysics, Medical Physics, and Cultural Heritage
- Condensed Matter Physics and Physics of Biosystems
- Particle Physics and Fundamental Interactions
- Statistical and Mathematical Physics
The various research areas differ in terms of experimental equipment, calculation tools and the extent of spin-offs, but they share the method of investigation and the approach to problem solving.
Our Research Activity involves developing complex experimental equipment in-house or in the major Research Labs worldwide, developing theoretical models of different physical phenomena, and publishing scientific papers (around 600 per year) on the most prestigious international scientific journals. The Department hosts researchers from the main Italian Research Insitutes, such as the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), National Research Council (CNR), the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). Our Department, the largest in Sapienza, hosts a total of about 300 active researchers.