Course Credits I. Breakdown of the PhD Course into Credits Successful attendance of the PhD Course corresponds to 180 Course Credits, which are normally subdivided into 60 credits per year in line with the following scheme: Year 1 The 60 credits for the first year can be obtained as follows: · minimum 30 credits for educational aspects (seminars and workshops: 10 credits each); · maximum 12 credits for practice within Department PhD and research facilities/structures; · maximum 6 credits at meetings and discussions with the Scientific Board, participation in conferences and seminar lessons offered by the Board; · maximum 8 credits for teaching practice within Planning Laboratories and Courses; · maximum 8 credits for participation in Architecture competitions and publications, official reports; · 8 credits for attending an Institutional University course relating to a discipline central to the candidate’s research, agreed with the Tutor and certified by the Professor. In general, in the first year, the activities of the first type envisage, as well as participation in conferences and lessons, passing at least three-four seminars or workshops which are normally developed over six-eight weeks (in Spring and in Autumn) and which are mainly methodological. Each PhD student has the right to indicate, on the basis of his/her interests and programmes, the seminars he/she intends to attend. The practice activities, on the other hand, are focused on the various different curricular profiles and pertain to the Laboratories of the Department of Architecture and Design and the Course Owners. Credits may also be acquired through positive involvement in University courses or Teaching Modules activated at Universities, Specialisation Schools, University Master’s Degree Courses and other PhD Courses which must be approved in advance by the Scientific Board and be certified by the Course or Module Owner. For foreign PhD students, the assigning of the credits does not follow the scheme described rigidly, but is assessed by the Scientific Board on the basis of the objectives and the programmes agreed with the individual Tutors, who are responsible for this in scientific terms with regard to the Board. The Professor, at the end of his/her seminar: - sends the Coordinator a list of the participants who successfully passed the seminar. - is available for a personal meeting to express a more detailed judgement on the work carried out in the seminar for the individual PhD student. Year 2 Admission to the second year of the Course requires obtaining the 60 credits required, which will be assigned by the Scientific Board on the basis of the report presented by each PhD student at the end of the course year. The Scientific Board has the right to assign, for each of the aspects described above, a number of credits above or below the number established in relation to the quality and the results of the work carried out. It is also possible to be admitted to the second year with a lack of credits - these credits must be recovered during the second year. The 60 credits for the 2nd year may be obtained as follows: minimum 20 credits for educational aspects (seminars and workshops: 10 credits each); 6 credits for the official formulation of the research proposal; maximum 12 credits for practice within Department PhD and research structures or for a research period agreed with the Scientific Board at a research structure/facility, preferably abroad; maximum 6 credits at meetings and discussions with the Scientific Board, participation in conferences and seminar lessons offered by the Board; maximum 8 credits for teaching practice within Planning Laboratories and Courses; maximum 8 credits for participation in Architecture competitions and publications, official reports; 8 credits for attending an Institutional University course relating to a discipline central to the candidate’s research, agreed with the Tutor and certified by the Professor. In general, the activities of the first type envisage, as well as conferences and lessons, two or three seminars or workshops which are normally developed over six-eight weeks (in Spring and in Autumn) and which are mainly methodological. Each PhD student has the right to indicate, on the basis of his/her interests and programmes, the seminars he/she intends to attend. Year 3 Admission to the third year of the Course envisages obtaining the 60 credits required, which will be assigned by the Scientific Board on the basis of the report presented by each PhD student at the end of the course year. The Board has the right to assign, for each of the aspects described above, a number of credits above or below the number established in relation to the quality and the results of the work carried out. It is also possible to be admitted to the third year with a lack of credits - these credits must be recovered during the third year. The 60 credits for the 3rd year may be obtained as per the following scheme: · 30 credits for the structuring, development, organisation and review of the content of the dissertation in conjunction with the Tutors; · 22 credits for the final drafting of the final dissertation; · maximum 6 credits at meetings and discussions with the Scientific Board, participation in conferences and seminar lessons offered by the Board; · 8 credits for teaching practice within Planning Laboratories and Courses. · maximum 12 credits for practice within Department PhD and research structures or for a research period agreed with the Scientific Board at a research structure, preferably abroad II. Calendar and main deadlines The academic years starts on 1° November of the year of registration and ends on 31 October the following year Main activities of Year 1: 1. Start of PhD work. 2. Participation in the first and second semester in the Seminars selected from within the PhD Course Schedule 3. Participation in the Teaching of Architecture Planning Laboratories / Courses 4. Participation in the research of the Department and the PhD Course initiatives 5. Publications, participation in Architecture competitions or officially-accredited conventions, presentation of papers at study seminars and conventions 6. By 1 October, filling out the Report on the activities carried out to be assigned the credits for admission to Year 2 Main activities of Year 2: 1. Participation in the first and second semester in the Seminars selected from within the PhD Course Schedule 2. Possible period abroad for further studies in relation to dissertation theme 3. Participation in the Teaching of Architecture Planning Laboratories / Courses 4. Participation in the research of the Department and the PhD Course initiatives 5. Publications, participation in Architecture competitions or officially-accredited conventions, presentation of papers at study seminars and conventions 6. By 1 October, filling out the Report on the activities carried out to be assigned the credits for admission to Year 3 7. Presentation of the dissertation proposal to the Scientific Board Main activities of Year 3: 1. Presentation of the progress of the dissertation to the Scientific Board; Tutor’s pre-dissertation assessment. 2. By the start of November, sending the dissertation to the external examiners, who will establish either admission to the first examination session the following year (by 28 February) or a deferral of the discussion of six months (by 30 September) 3. Discussion of the dissertation before a National Committee after delivery of a copy of the dissertation to the Committee members, to the National Libraries of Rome and Florence and to the Department Library. III. Final dissertation The presentation of the dissertation proposal normally takes place in February of the 2nd year of the PhD Course; the Committee-based discussion of the progress normally takes place in January of the 3rd year of the PhD Course. The examination by the external examiners takes place at the end of the third year; the final discussion takes place, on the basis of the opinion of the examiners, in one of the two sessions of the following year (the first by 28 February, the second by 30 September). IV. Ethics Standards We must emphasise the extremely serious nature of any incorrect conduct (including plagiarism) within the PhD Course. A committee made up of the Coordinator, the Department Director and a PhD student representative will examine any cases worthy of attention and will propose the adoption of adequate measures to the Scientific Board, including non-renewal of scholarships and expulsion from the PhD Course.