
The Ph.D. pursues a series of objectives following the individual educational path of each candidate. The objectives are divided into three frameworks:
1. Objectives related to the course contents connected to the Ph.D.;
2. Objectives related to higher education;
3. Objectives concerning the methodology within a research context.

1. Objectives related to the course contents connected to the Ph.D.:
- up-to-date and in-depth knowledge on the general themes that characterize the Ph.D. in Architecture – Theories and Project;
- study of the themes specific to one of the two curricula in which the Ph.D. is organized (the relation between theories and project – Curriculum A, and Interior design and Space planning – Curriculum B);
- detailed analysis of a topic within the themes proposed in each of the curricula;
- ability to provide detailed, original and scientifically appropriate reports within one of the themes undertaken.

2. Objectives related to higher education:
- perfect understanding of the sources and framework that shape the body of the research;
- competence in professional writing within a scientific and academic context;
- proficient understanding of the sources and bibliography;
- control of the methods necessary to structure the main themes of the degree;
- ability to share the scientific results obtained, through appropriate communication means and ability to organize educational reports and interventions;
- ability to analyse in depth the techniques of communication of the themes specific to the design disciplines.

3. Objectives concerning the methodology within a research context:
- ability to provide appropriate and specialized answers regarding the themes explored to external research and educational organizations, governmental and territorial bodies, companies within the design and construction industry;
- ability to undertake analytical and cognitive research in the field;
- ability to draft adequate project proposals to tackle complex and specific problems.

In order to reach these objectives and to provide each candidate with the opportunity to carry out these activities in the best conditions, the Ph.D. in Architecture – Theories and Project is organized on a University credits system.

The successful participation in the Ph.D. corresponds to the gain of 180 CFU (University credits), generally divided into 60 credits per year.
University credits, listed with further detail within the section relative to each year of the course, are linked to each of the following categories:
- formation (conferences, seminars and workshops);
- drafting of the final compositions as required by the seminars or workshops;
- meetings and discussions with the Scientific Board;
- traineeship within the courses and laboratories of project planning;
- participation to courses of architecture, study trips, internships and conferences;
- publication of the products of research on scientific journals;
- traineeship in research organizations.

More specifically, the traineeship within the Department of Architecture and Design is structured in a series of Laboratories that fit within the topics and themes that form the two curricula.
For example, the themes that characterize the Urban Design Experimentation Program are tackled within the Laboratory ARCO – Architettura e Contesti (Architecture and Context) and the Laboratory BABELE – Città, Architettura, Natura (City, Architecture, Nature); the studies with a historical-critical profile on the architecture of modern and contemporary cities, with a focus on the city of Rome are explored in QART – Laboratorio per lo studio di Roma contemporanea (Laboratory for the study of contemporary Rome); studies involving the theory and criticism of contemporary architecture in the Laboratory TRAUM - Teorie e ricerche su architettura, urbanismo e mondo (Theories and Research on architecture, urbanization and the world); study and experimentation of housing in its transformational and evolutionary processes, especially in relation to environmental sustainability, in the Housing Lab; the theme of urban regeneration with a focus on the scale of the architectural product in the RE-LAB - Laboratorio di Rigenerazione, Recupero, Riqualificazione (Laboratory of Regeneration, Recovery and Redevelopment); experimentation with architecture as a communication tool and the study of its relation to the informatic revolution through the development of new approaches to architectural design in LAMA – Laboratorio Multimediale di Architettura (Multimedia Laboratory of Architecture).

These themes can be further developed during the traineeship of the student within the Laboratories directed by the teachers of the Scientific Board.

The formative objectives of each Program are the following:
1. Urban Design Experimentation Program (Curriculum A).
2. History, Theory and Criticism of Early Modern to Contemporary Urbanism Program (Curriculum A).
3. History, Theory and Criticism of Contemporary Architecture Program (Curriculum A).
4. Study and Experimentation of Sustainable Architecture Program (Curriculum A and B).
5. Architecture as Communication Program (Curriculum A and B).
6. Architecture and Urban Planning in Non-European Countries Program (Curriculum A).
7. Interior and Exhibition Design Program (Curriculum A and B).



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