The first stellar generations in the Universe were sources of ionizing radiation and
of newly synthesized elements. They played a key role in the reionization process
as well as initiating the chemical evolution of the Universe. The talk will begin by
recalling the expected main physical properties of the first stellar generations
that likely make them evolve significantly differently from stars in the present-day
Universe. We will then focus on aspects dealing with the chemical enrichments
by the first stellar generations. Comparisons between predictions of models with
the observed surface composition of halo stars will be presented.
The special case of the Carbon-Enhanced Metal- Poor Stars (CEMP), especially
the most iron-poor ones, provides precious and interesting clues about the early
chemical enrichment processes. The talk will end by discussing the exciting
cases of nitrogen-rich regions in high redshift galaxies observed by the James
Webb Space Telescope.
Georges MEYNET - Observatoire de Genève, Université de Genève, Switzerland
In the afternoon the speaker will meet at 4.30 pm with students and post-docs in sala della Madonna for a new format called "Spritz&Tramezzino" that is meant as a moment between young people and speaker to discuss their mutual scientific interests, the career path of the speaker, future perspectives, and the secret recipe of the perfect Spritz.
The Colloquium will be held on Tuesday Oct 15th at 11:30 in Sala Jappelli.
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