Call for application 40th cycle

Bando ordinario

Educational goals and objectives

The scientific task of the Ph.D. in Philology and Ancient History is an interdisciplinary education, aimed at correct reading and interpreting ancient texts, both literary and epigraphic, of the West and East Mediterranean as well as of the Near and Middle East, and at a full understanding of the cultural, political, economic and social history of the ancient Greek, Roman and Near-Eastern world. The Ph.D. has three different curricula, divided into various sections:for the philological section, a) Mycenean Philology; b) Greek and Latin literature of the different ages; c) Classical philology; d) History of the greek and roman theatre.For the historical section: a) history of Greek colonization; b) Roman conquest of Italy and its administration; c) epigraphy as mean of comunication; d) surviving themes of ancient culture and their forms; e) historical geography.for the section of philology of the Near- and Middle East: a) Anatolian studies, b) Assyriology; c) Coptology; d) Jewish studies; e) Egyptology; f) Iranian studies.

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM629
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale
0 0 0 0

Tipologia 2: DM630 Tipologia 3: Partenariati estesi Tipologia 4: Enti terzi ed Eccellenza Tipologia 5: Sapienza
1 0 0 8

Senza borsa

Themes, curriculum and specific competence

Borse ex D.M. 630: 1

Admission Procedure

Written examination The written examination will vary according to each curriculum: A) translation of both a Greek and a Latin text and commentary of one of them for students who apply for the curriculum of
GREEK AND LATIN PHILOLOGY; Greek and Latin dictionaries are allowed; B) paraphase and commentary on a historiographical or documentary source for students who apply for the curriculum of ANCIENT HISTORY; Greek and Latin dictionaries are allowed; C) an essay on a theme concerning issues on methodology and/or the history of the disciplines for students who apply for the curriculum of NEAR AND MIDDLE-EAST PHILOLOGY.
Tests can be given in Italian or English.
The written examination tests will be chosen by lot among three selections for each
curriculum. The duration of the written test is six hours.
language INGLESE

Oral interview The oral test, which includes the assessment of qualifications, is designed to verify the candidates' skills, their attitude to research and the feasibility of the research project submitted.
The qualifications that can be evaluated are those indicated in the evaluation grid in addition to the Research Project. Applicants interested in the Joint Phd with the University of St Andrews will undergo an additional English-language interview intended to verify the reasons of this choice (e. g. why the project is particularly suited to the fields of researchs and the scholars of both Sapienza and St Andrews Universities).
language INGLESE

contacts and info

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
Graduation date and grade of the Bachelor’s degree
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
Certificates of Foreign Languages
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
Computer skills

Required documentation

§ research project
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ List of publications
optional, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ description of previous research experience
optional, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ letter of motivation (by the candidate)
Document required in English, only for applicants interested in the Sapienza-St Andrews Joint Phd. It should contain an outline and grounding of the project with reference to the research areas and scholars at both locations., the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ degree thesis (complete)
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ publications (a single pdf for each publication)
optional, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages
the candidate will have to know one among

Exam Schedule

Written examination
classroomAula di archeologia, Edificio della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
addressPiazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Roma RM
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication05/07/2024

Oral interview
classroomAula XXII al terzo piano dell'edificio principale della Facoltà di Lettere
addressFacoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Roma
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication10/07/2024

Day of publication of the final outcome: 10/07/2024

Evaluation scale

Written examination english version

Oral interview english version

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma