
[1/14/2025] ...


The Philology and History of the Ancient World caucus in the Department of Classics runs three doctoral programs:

A.Greek and Latin Philology - coordinator: Francesca Romana Berno

The three-year Greek and Latin Philology program provides specialist training in the techniques of textual and literary criticism. Teaching covers texts in antiquity from the earliest Mycenean tablets to late antique and mediaeval authors, including Jewish texts and translations of the Old Testament.

B. Ancient History - coordinator: John Thornton

The three-year Ancient History program instructs students in interdisciplinary approaches to the history, cultures and civilizations of the Greek and Roman worlds. It trains ancient historians in a range of methodologies, helping them to hone philological skills and expertise in the disciplines of ancient history, including epigraphy, archaeology and papyrology.

C. Philology of the Near- and Middle-East - coordinator: Lorenzo Verderame

The three-year Philology of Near- and Far-East Texts program is designed for students working on texts from Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Iran, Egypt and adjacent areas (the Syrian-Palestinian coast, central Asia) from the fourth millennium BCE to the Middle Ages. It provides specialized training in philology, epigraphy and linguistic skills.





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