Call for application 37° cycle

Notice to candidates:
In accordance with the DECREE-LAW 6 August 2021, n. 111, Urgent measures for the safe exercise of school, university, social activities and public transport, starting from 01st September 2021 and in order to access physically to the University, students must possess and exhibit the Green pass, whatever the purpose of their entrance is.
Therefore, even though the doctoral competition as in the regulation does not apply the previous decree-law as it is required for the public competitions, all PhD candidates who will take the test in presence should exhibit the aforementioned documentation; furthermore, it is required to exhibit the Green pass for all the students who will need to go to the various offices inside the University.

Specifications of Scholarships and available positions

Overall Specifications approved for the course by the Academic Senate

Green Scholarships Innovation Scholarships
16 0

Progetti disponibili

    Azienda ospitante: Ionvac Process S.r.l. (Viale Anchise, 24/25 Loc. Colli di Enea 00040 Pomezia Roma.)
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Modelli e scenari di mobilità sostenibile nel post-covid
    Scenarios and Models for a Sustainable Mobility in the Post-Covid
    Azienda ospitante: Sony CSL Roma
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Sviluppo di modelli di ionizzazione in Geant4-DNA per simulare l'effetto della radiazione cosmica sulle reazioni ione-molecola nell'atmosfera
    Development of ionization models in Geant4-DNA to simulate cosmic rays effects on ion-molecules reaction in the atmosphere
    Azienda ospitante: CINECA - Via dei Tizi 6/B - 00185 Roma
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Studio dei materiali a cambiamento di fase per dispositivi a basso consumo energetico
    Study of phase-change materials for low-energy devices
    Azienda ospitante: STMicroelectronics, Via Camillo Olivetti 2, 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB)
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Caratterizzazione fisico-chimica di Materiali green per Batterie a Flusso: verso una svolta eco-sostenibile per l’accumulo di Energia Elettrica
    Physico-chemical characterization of green materials for flux batteries: towards an eco-sustainable route for the accumulation of electricity.
    Azienda ospitante: Edison Spa - Officine Edison c/o Energy Center via Paolo Borsellino 38/16 I-10138 Torino.
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - QUASI - QUalità dell’Acqua e dell’aria mediante Spettroscopia ottIca
    QUASI - Quality of water and air by optical spectroscopy
    Azienda ospitante: Horiba Italia s.r.l., con sede a Roma (RM) in Via Luca Gaurico 209
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Comprendere la termodinamica e la cinetica della bioproduzione cell-free di plastiche biodegradabili basata sul DNA tramite modelli coarse-grained
    Understanding the thermodynamics and kinetics of DNA-based cell-free biomanufacturing of biodegradable plastics with coarse-grained models
    Azienda ospitante: FabricNano, 4th Floor, 184-192 Drummond Street London NW1 3HP (London, UK)
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Verso una comprensione microscopica delle interazioni aerosol-nuvola che governano il bilancio radiativo dell'atmosfera
    Towards a microscopic understanding of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions that govern the radiative balance of the atmosphere
    Azienda ospitante: IBM Research, The Hartree Centre STFC Laboratory, Sci-Tech Daresbury Warrington, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK,
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Energia nucleare e sicurezza: sviluppo di un sistema di monitoraggio a distanza dell’attività dei reattori
    Nuclear energy and its safety: development of a system to monitor the activity of reactors from safe distances.
    Azienda ospitante: LB Servizi per le aziende S.r.l., Via Gabriele Paleotti, 43, 00168 Roma,
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Aggregazione colloidale nell'ottimizzazione dei processi di trattamento delle acque.
    Colloidal aggregation in the optimization of the water-treatment processes
    Azienda ospitante: ACEA Ato 2, Roma
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Monitoraggio dell'inquinamento atmosferico di COVs e agenti patogeni per una società verde
    Air-pollution tracking of VOCs and pathogens for a green society
    Azienda ospitante: XTeam Software Solutions srl, via Roma 833 45020 Giacciano con Baruchella (RO) e Corso Vittoria Colonna 56 00047 Marino,
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Studio teorico, computazionale e sperimentale per il monitoraggio, il controllo attivo e la rimozione dalle acqua di inquinanti (metalli, materiali tossici, ecc.) attraverso materiali nanostrutturati sostenibili e accordabili a stimoli esterni
    Theoretical computational and experimental study for monitoring, active control and removal of pollutants (metals, toxic materials, etc.) from water through sustainable nanostructured materials tunable according to external stimuli
    Azienda ospitante: Saluber Italia s.r.l.
    visualizza il progetto completo

    Study of acoustic noise in an underwater environment
    Azienda ospitante: iPOOL S.r.l., Via Enrico Fermi 75, 51100, Pistoia,
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Effetti dell’irraggiamento con idrogeno su perovskiti basate su alogenuri metallici, di interesse per il fotovoltaico e l’illuminazione “green”
    Effects of hydrogen irradiation on metal-halide perovskites for photovoltaic applications and for low environmental impact light sources
    Azienda ospitante: Greatcell Solar Italia srl, Via Castro Pretorio 122 00185 Roma (RM), Laboratori del CHOSE- Casale Numero 11, Viale Pietro Gismondi, snc, 00133 Roma (RM)
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Sensore di radiazione UV basato su nanostrutture di carbonio per rivelazione di ozono
    Ultraviolet light sensor based on carbon nanostructure for ozone monitoring
    Azienda ospitante: IONVAC PROCESS srl, Viale ANCHISE, 24 - Loc. Colli di ENEA. Pratica di Mare 00071 Pomezia
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Cristalli filiformi funzionalizzati offrono una nuova piattaforma per la produzione e il recupero dell’energia
    Functionalized filamentary crystals provide a new platform for energy production and recovery
    Azienda ospitante: Greatcell Solar Italia srl, Via Castro Pretorio 122 00185 Roma (RM)
    visualizza il progetto completo

Admission Procedure

Qualifications assessment The first test consists in the evaluation by the Commission of the qualifications
presented by the candidates in Italian or English. The qualifications presented by the candidates will be evaluated with a maximum of 44 points.

Oral interview Candidates with at least 30/44 at the qualifications assessment will undertake
the oral interview. The oral interview consists of a brief discussion on fundamental
subjects of the Bachelor in Physics, on the master thesis and on the research interests of the candidate related to the doctorate in Physics. The points attributed to the oral interview are 56 at maximum. The interview will be carried out in English or Italian according to the candidate choice. The commission will verify the knowledge of the English language.
The oral interview will take place in presence at the Sapienza campus or via videoconference. Candidates can request the Commission to carry out the oral interview via videoconference.
language INGLESE

more info Candidates with at least 30/44 at the qualifications assessment will undertake the oral interview. The oral interview consists of a brief discussion on fundamental subjects of the Bachelor in Physics, on
the master thesis and on the research interests of the candidate related to the doctorate in Physics. The points attributed to the oral interview are 56 at maximum. The interview will be carried
out in English or Italian according to the candidate choice. The commission will verify the knowledge of the English language.
The oral interview will take place in presence at the Sapienza campus or via videoconference. Candidates can request the Commission to carry out the oral interview via videoconference.

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
Graduation date and grade of the Bachelor’s degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Bachelor's degree

Required documentation

§ first letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ second letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ letter of motivation (by the candidate)
Each applicant submits a declaration of intent (pdf file, recommended length: 3,000 characters including spaces).
This document must contain a description of the reasons why the applicant is interested in the Doctorate of Physics of Sapienza for the projects GREEN, what are the motivations and research interests.
, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Curriculum vitae, also containing a description of scholarships, research grants (and similar) received, research activities of the student, other awards (e.g. awards in competitions, second degree, training within "excellence Settore Dottorato di Ricerca program").

Candidates are invited to use the template available on the homepage of the PhD program in Physics:

The curriculum can be prepared in Italian or English.
, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Qualifications assessment
publication on notice boardYes
publication on the web siteNO
web site
date of publication30/10/2021

Oral interview
classroomda definire in seguito
addressda definire in seguito
publication on notice boardYes
publication on the web siteNO
web site
date of publication05/11/2021

Evaluation scale

file:visualizza il file
file (eng):visualizza il file (eng)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma