Benedetta Ciardi, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics: Exploring cosmic reionization with 21cm telescopes

Cosmic reionization is the last major phase transition undergone by our Universe. Although most studies agree on the general characteristics of H reionization (for example that is driven by stars and it is mostly if not fully complete by z ≈ 6), its details are still largely unknown, among which the contribution from and role played by more energetic sources. In this talk, I will discuss the ingredients needed for a correct modeling of cosmic reionization and present results from recent radiative transfer simulations accounting for a variety of source types (such as stars, quasars, X-ray binaries). I will then discuss the observability of reionization in terms of various diagnostics associated to the 21cm signal from neutral hydrogen and present the latest results from the LOFAR radio telescope. Join Zoom Meeting


we are pleased to announce that the third colloquium of the program QUID ULTRA? Frontiers and Controversies in Astrophysics,
will be on March 9 2021 at 16:30 by Benedetta Ciardi (Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics, Munich). Title and abstract
are attached below.

The program QUID ULTRA? Frontiers and Controversies in Astrophysics is a series of monthly prestigious colloquia that will be
running from early February till December 2021. This initiative has been funded by Sapienza University with the co-sponsorship
of INAF/Astronomical Observatory of Rome and of the joint PhD program in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science of Sapienza,
Tor Vergata University and INAF.

Due to the pandemic situation, the first 6 colloquia will be held online via zoom.
The scientific program and all the information on how to attend the meeting can be found on the project website:

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Raffaella Schneider (on behalf of the SOC)

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