Andrea Fiore (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL): Spectral sensing at your fingertips

24/06/2024 at 16:00, Room1, Building RM018

The optical spectrum carries information on the chemical composition of the object by which light is transmitted or reflected. Also, many other physical, chemical and biological signals can be effectively transduced into a spectral change and measured from the reflection spectrum of a sensor. However, until recently, complex lab instruments, spectrometers, were needed to capture this spectral information. In this talk I will describe the integrated spectral sensing technology recently developed in our group, based on small arrays of resonant-cavity detectors. I will also show how it can be used to measure chemical properties of materials, and to read out picometer-level spectral shifts from fiber sensors and biosensors. Due to their small size, simplicity and scalability, these chips open the way to compact and low-cost optical sensor systems for a variety of application fields, from industrial process monitoring to agrofood and medical technology.

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