Delivered study plan 2024/2025

List of training activities planned for the academic year 2024/2025.
For organization and didactic rules, please see didactic procedures.
The following information are given in the language of the course. 

OUR COURSES AT A GLANCE (see below for details and for useful courses from other programs).

Lecturer Course First Lecture Schedule
Adriano Barra Neural Networks & Machine Learning 03/02/2025 February 2025, every Mon, Wed & Fri, 15:00-18:00, Room B1, RM002
Alessandro Belardini Experiences in Optics 16/12/2024 Schedule agreed with students, see below
Angela Capocefalo Advances in Raman spectroscopy: from traditional vibrational spectroscopy to surface enhanced approaches 06/05/2025
From 06/05/2025 to 20/05/2025, every Tue and Thu, 14:00-16:00, room 1B, RM002
Giovanni Cerulli Irelli An introduction to cluster algebras TBA 05-06/2025
Carlo Mariani, Carlo Meneghini, Francesco Offi, Alessandro Ruocco Radiation-Matter Interaction, Photoemission and Photoabsorption Spectroscopy, I 26/02/2025
From 26/02/2025 to 14/03/2025, Wed & Fri, 15:00-17:00,
Room 80
Department of Sciences, U. Roma Tre
Carlo Mariani, Carlo Meneghini, Francesco Offi, Alessandro Ruocco Radiation-Matter Interaction, Photoemission and Photoabsorption Spectroscopy, I 18/03/2025 From 18/03/2025 to 17/04/2025, Tue & Thu, 15:00-17:00, Sapienza, CU033, Sala Calcolo 216
Marta Menci Modelling and Simulations of Collective Dynamics 17/03/2025 From 17/03/2025 to 07/04/2025, Mon & Wed, 15:00-18:00, Room 1B, RM002
Francescantonio Oliva The Dirichlet problem for elliptic equations with rough data TBA 09-10/2025
Emilia Petronijevic Numerical methods for simulations of electromagnetic wave–matter interactions 08/01/2025 Schedule agreed with students, see below
Luigi Provenzano e Davide Buoso           Spectral Geometry 25/02/2025 First part: 25-26-27-28 February 2025, 10:00-12:00, Aula Seminari, RM004 - Second part: TBA
Concita Sibilia Nanophotonics and Plasmonics TBA 04/2025
Concita Sibilia Basics of Nonlinear Optics TBA 05/2025
Elena Stellino Introduction to Optical Spectroscopic Techniques and Applications to Low Dimensional Semiconductors  03/02/2025 February 2025, every Mon & Wed, 10:00-12:00, Room 1E, RM004
Various Training program on soft skills targeted to Early Stage Researchers – 2024 06/11/2024 See the dedicated web page
- Title: Spectral Geometry
- Dates: First part: 25-26-27-28 February 2025, 10:00-12:00, Aula Seminari, RM004 - Second part: TBA
- Hours: 24
- Lecturer: Luigi Provenzano (Sapienza) e Davide Buoso (U. Piemonte Orientale)
- Abstract: In the first part of the course we will provide a brief introduction to the spectrum of the Laplacian on Euclidean domains and Riemannian manifolds, along with a few basic examples, and their relations with physical phenomena (waves and vibrations). Then, we will focus on some classical problems in spectral geometry, such as eigenvalue bounds and isoperimetric inequalities for the eigenvalues. The questions that we will address are the following: how does the geometry and the topology of the ambient space influence the spectrum (the eigenvalues)? On the other hand, what information can give the knowledge of the spectrum on the geometry and topology of the ambient space? We will present a few classical techniques which have been adopted throughout the years to address these questions. In the final part of the course (if time allows) we will consider some recent developments on old and new problems, and we will present some open questions. - Verification: Short seminar/report on a research paper (possibly close to the student's interests).
- Title: Neural Networks & Machine Learning
- Dates:
Monday 03 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Wednesday 05 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Friday 07 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Monday 10 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Wednesday 12 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Friday 14 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Monday 17 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Monday 24 February 202515:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Wednesday 26 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
Friday 28 February 2025 15:00-18:00 Room B1, RM002
- Hours: 30
- Lecturer: Adriano Barra
- Abstract: The course is meant to provide theoretical tools (both mathematical and computational) to allow the students to orient themselves in the proliferation of neural network techniques and machine learning algorithms that are nowadays broadly used in the processing of data and signals both in the world of research as well as in industry. Specifically, once shared the main mathematical methodological bases (a quick review of elements of probability and statistics), after a succinct historical introduction (e.g. the Turing machine, Rosenblatt's perceptron and AI’s winter time), modern neural networks will be addressed, both those biologically inspired (e.g. the Hopfield model and its variations on the theme) as well as those not-biologically inspired (Boltzmann machines and feed-forward networks), with the related algorithms for learning and automatic recognition (e.g., contrastive divergence and back -prograpation). The ultimate aim of the course is to share the salient concepts with the students and, at the same time, to provide them with the key tools, so that they can keep growing within the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: this transfer of information will be supplied both from a formal/mathematical point of view (e.g. showing during the course clear methods for setting up a relevant problem and solving it appropriately) and from a logical/deductive point of view (e.g. understanding what it is reasonable to be addressed by modern techniques of Machine Learning). To this end the course program is divided into two main sections. The former is to ensure that we share basic scientific knowledge (obviously a necessary pre-requisite to guarantee that we understand information processing in neural networks from a mathematical perspective later on). The latter is completely dedicated to neural networks: after a succinct description (always in mathematical terms) of the key mechanisms inherent to the neuron and the propagation of information between neurons, "networks of neurons" will be built (in other words they will explain " what are” -mathematically speaking- these neural networks) and we will study their emergent properties (i.e. those not immediately deducible by looking at the behavior of the single neuron): specifically, we will try to see how these networks are able to learn and abstract by looking at supplied examples from the external world and how, subsequently, they use what they have learned to respond appropriately, if stimulated, to the external world. We will also understand how these neural networks can sometimes make mistakes, and why. Ideally at the end of the course the students should be able to independently continue in-depth study of this discipline and benefit from it accordingly during their careers
- Verification: Oral
- Title: The Dirichlet problem for elliptic equations with rough data
- Dates: 09-10/2025
- Hours: 20
- Lecturer: Francescantonio Oliva
- Abstract: We will first consider Dirichlet problems associated to elliptic equations whose principal operator is in divergence form with bounded coefficients. We briefly present the weak setting for these equations with a measurable function f belonging to a suitable Lebesgue space or even a Radon measure as a source datum. In accordance with the regularity of f we introduce the concept of weak, distributional and renormalized solution and we prove their well-posedness. In the second part, we deal with source terms of the form f(x)h(u) which can also depend on the solution u itself. We deal with the case of a function h(s) which has a finite limit at infinity, continuous and possibly blowing up at the s=0; as a prototypical example one should have in mind a negative power. For these equations we show existence, regularity, and uniqueness of finite and infinite energy solutions. If the time allows, we could also deal with the case of equations involving first order terms with natural growth with respect to the gradient. Depending on the attendees background knowledge, the course will mainly focus on the first and/or the second part.
- Verification: Seminar
- Title: An introduction to cluster algebras
- Dates: 05-06/2025
- Hours: 16
- Lecturer: Giovanni Cerulli Irelli
- Abstract: We review the theory of cluster algebras intiated by Fomin and Zelevinsky in 2001 and its connection with the rapresentation theory of associative algebras, following Derksen, Weyman and Zelevinsky.
- Verification: Seminar
- Title: Modelling and Simulations of Collective Dynamics
- Dates:
17.03.2025, 15:00-18:00, Room 1B, RM002
19.03.2025, 15:00-18:00, Room 1B, RM002
24.03.2025, 15:00-18:00, Room 1B, RM002
26.03.2025, 15:00-18:00, Room 1B, RM002
31.03.2025, 15:00-18:00, Room 1B, RM002
02.04.2025, 15:00-18:00, Room 1B, RM002
07.04.2025, 15:00-18:00, Room 1B, RM002
- Hours: 21
- Lecturer: Marta Menci (Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma)
- Abstract: The study of collective dynamics is attracting the interest of different research fields, both due to their wide range of applications and to their ability to model self-organization. The emergence of global patterns from local interactions can be easily observed in flock of birds, schools of fish, human crowds, but also cells exhibit collective behaviors in different biological processes characterizing the human body (e.g. in embryogenesis, wound healing, immune response, tumor growth). The main feature of collective cells migration is that the emergent behavior is also driven by chemical stimuli, and not only by mechanical interactions. This course aims to give participants a brief but complete introduction to the research field of modelling and simulation of collective dynamics. Starting with a survey of influential works of the literature, recent mathematical developments and new directions and applications will be presented. A specific focus will be on different numerical techniques proposed to simulate the different kind of equations involved in the presented models.
- Verification: final project on a specific topic
- Title: Metodi Numerici per l'Ingegneria Biomedica (in Italian)
- Period 2024: from 24.09.2024 to 20.12.2024, Tuesday 09:00-11:00 (RM031 room 11) and Thursday 15:00-18:00 (RM041 room 41)
- Period 2025: first semester (details within the beginning of the semester)
- Hours 30+30 - Lecturer: Francesca Pitolli (SBAI, Sapienza)
- Abstract: Prima parte: Metodi numerici per la soluzione di problemi differenziali, metodi di Runge-Kutta, metodi alle differenze finite (3CFU). Seconda parte: Approssimazione ai minimi quadrati per l'identificazione di un modello e la stima dei parametri. Soluzione di sistemi lineari sovradeterminati. Decomposizione ai valori singolari e sue applicazioni. Problemi inversi mal posti e tecniche di regolarizzazione. Soluzione di sistemi lineari sottodeterminati. Analisi delle componenti principali e sue applicazioni (3CFU).
Per ogni argomento verranno svolte delle esercitazioni in cui si utilizzeranno i metodi numerici illustrati a lezione per risolvere alcuni problemi applicativi.
- Title: Radiation-Matter Interaction, Photoemission and Photoabsorption Spectroscopy, I
- Dates: From 26/02/2025 to 14/03/2025, Wed & Fri, 15:00-17:00, Room 80, Department of Sciences, U. Roma Tre
- Hours: 12
- Lecturer: Carlo Mariani (PO Sapienza), Carlo Meneghini (PO, Roma Tre), Francesco Offi (PA, Roma Tre), Alessandro Ruocco (PA, Roma Tre)
- Abstract: Introduction to the photoelectron spectroscopy: theoretical background, the three-step model, atoms and molecules, low-dimensional solid systems, experiments with angular resolution, time-resolved experiments. Instrumentation: charged particles, Auger electron spectroscopy and resonant photoemission. Surfaces and low-dimensional systems, electronic properties. Core-level photoemission and surface core-level shifts. Angular resolved photoemission, electronic band structure. Band structure of exemplary 1D and 2D systems.
- Verification: oral presentation of a current research topic which uses the methods presented in the course.
- Title: Radiation-Matter Interaction, Photoemission and Photoabsorption Spectroscopy, II
- Dates: From 18/03/2025 to 17/04/2025, Tue & Thu, 15:00-17:00, Sapienza, CU033, Sala Calcolo 216
- Hours: 20
- Lecturer: Carlo Mariani (PO Sapienza), Carlo Meneghini (PO, Roma Tre), Francesco Offi (PA, Roma Tre), Alessandro Ruocco (PA, Roma Tre)
- Abstract: Electromagnetic radiation sources, synchrotron radiation, theoretical background, storage rings, beamlines, photoemission. Introduction to the free-electron laser: a coherent source of radiation from UV to X rays. X ray absorption spectroscopy, theoretical background of absorption. Multiple scattering theory: a method for the observation of the electronic states and spectroscopy measurements. EXAFS and XANES/NEXAFS: fundamentals and applications. X ray elastic and anelastic scattering. High energy photoemission, application to buried interfaces/materials.
- Verification: oral presentation of a current research topic which uses the methods presented in the course.
- Title: Advances in Raman spectroscopy: from traditional vibrational spectroscopy to surface enhanced approaches
- Dates:
Tue 06.05.2025, 14:00-16:00, room 1B, RM002
Thu 08.05.2025, 14:00-16:00, room 1B, RM002
Tue 13.05.2025, 14:00-16:00, room 1B, RM002
Thu 15.05.2025, 14:00-16:00, room 1B, RM002
Tue 20.05.2025, 14:00-16:00, room 1B, RM002
- Method: Ex-cathedra
- Hours: 10
- Lecturer: Angela Capocefalo (U. L'Aquila)
- Abstract: The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students with a thorough understanding of Raman spectroscopy, covering both the traditional technique and the more advanced surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. After introducing the fundamentals of the Raman scattering, the experimental aspects of the technique will be examined, including the description of the measurement apparatus and the analysis and interpretation of data. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy will be then introduced, discussing the different mechanisms underlying signal amplification. The plasmonic properties of commonly used nanostructured metal substrates and the recent advances in the technique, such as tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy will be presented. Finally, innovative applications of the technique in various research fields such as sensing, nanomedicine, materials science, and cultural heritage will be discussed.
- Verification: oral presentation of a current research topic which uses the methods presented in the course.
- Title: Introduction to Optical Spectroscopic Techniques and Applications to Low Dimensional Semiconductors
- Dates:
Monday 03.02.2025, 10:00-12:00, room 1E (RM004 - E01PR1L012)
Wednesday 05.02.2025, 10:00-12:00, room 1E (RM004 - E01PR1L012)
Monday 10.02.2025, 10:00-12:00, room 1E (RM004 - E01PR1L012)
Monday 17.02.2025, 10:00-12:00, room 1E (RM004 - E01PR1L012)
Wednesday 19.02.2025, 10:00-12:00, room 1E (RM004 - E01PR1L012)
Monday 24.02.2025, 10:00-12:00, room 1E (RM004 - E01PR1L012)
Wednesday 26.02.2025, 10:00-12:00, room 1E (RM004 - E01PR1L012)
The timetable for the second part of the Course, with lab experiences, will be agreed upon with students and will take place in March 2025.
- Hours: 30
- Lecturer: Elena Stellino
- Abstract: The course aims to introduce three of the most common techniques in optical spectroscopy (Infrared, Raman, and photoluminescence) by providing a comprehensive approach that begins with theoretical foundations and then leads the students to handle real experimental cases. The key objectives of the course include: • gain familiarity with the theoretical framework underpinning the presented spectroscopic techniques, covering phenomenology, classical models, and some aspects of the quantum approach; • identify what kind of physical information can be extracted from the theoretical models; • understand the working principles governing the setups used in experiments; • engage in actual experimental work within research laboratories specialized in optical spectroscopies. This involves sample preparation, data acquisition, and the use of softwares for the data analysis. The course comprises frontal lessons (50%) and supervised laboratory experiences with data analysis activities (50%). The laboratory sessions will focus on samples belonging to the class of 2D semiconductors, exposing students to one of the most studied research topics in the field of material science.
- Verification: Students, organized into groups, will prepare written reports for each module detailing the laboratory experience, scientific case, experimental setup, data analysis, and result interpretation. Finally, e ach student will present and discuss a scientific article from the literature that utilizes one of the discussed techniques.
- Title: Surface Physics and Nanostructures (Corso di Laurea in Fisica)
- Lecturer: Carlo Mariani (Sapienza)
- Duration: 6 CFU
- Period 2024: first semester; Tue 14:00-16:00, CU033, aula 4; Wed 8:00-10:00, CU013, aula Rasetti; Fri 15:00-16:00, CU013, aula Careri
- Period 2025: first semester (info available within the beginning of the semester)
- Abstract: From surfaces to new atomic and molecular architectures - 1D and 2D systems - Low-dimensional crystalline structures – Symmetries – Surface thermodynamics - Relaxation and reconstruction processes - Structural properties and techniques (AFM, STM, LEED, GIXD) - Electronic properties (electron gas, band structure) of nanostructures- Giant magnetoresistance - Electron spectroscopic techniques (angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, ...) - Electronic properties and structure of nanostructures: etherostructures, nano-wires, self-assembled monolayers) – Graphene: electronic states, structure, supported graphene, growth, characterization, doping, ...).
- Title: Chimica Fisica dello Stato Solido e dei Materiali Nanostrutturati (Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale, in Italian)
- Lecturer: Danilo Dini (Sapienza)
- Duration: 6 CFU
- Period 2024: First semester; Wed 9:00-11:00, CU032; Fri 11:00-13:00, CU032
- Period 2025: first semester (info available within the beginning of the semester)
- Abstract: I contenuti del corso includono la descrizione della materia allo stato solido e l'analisi delle strutture cristalline di sistemi prototipici sulla base di considerazioni di tipo energetico tenendo conto dei legami caratteristici che tengono insieme i materiali allo stato solido. Viene inoltre offerta una analisi delle proprietà vibrazionali dei solidi e come queste controllano le propreta' termodinamiche dei sistemi solidi. Il corso comprende anche l'analisi dei fattori alla base dei fenomeni di conducibilità elettrica nei solidi e delle proprietà elettrochimiche di stato solido. Analisi delle proprietà dei sistemi nanostrutturati con particolare riferimento ai nanotubi di carbonio. 
- Title: Sistemi di produzione ed accumulo dell'energia (Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale, in Italian)
- Lecturer: Maria Assunta Navarra (Sapienza)
- Duration: 9 CFU
- Period 2024: first semester; Mon & Tue 11:00-13:00, Wed 09:00-11:00, aula H, CU014 
- Period 2025: first semester (details within the beginning of the semester)
- Abstract: Il corso si inquadra nei processi formativi in ambito industriale e applicativo specifici del Corso di Laurea. Il corso intende ampliare le conoscenze proprie della Chimica Fisica e dell’Elettrochimica, con particolare riguardo alle problematiche energetiche e agli aspetti di gestione delle risorse. I contenuti concettuali e metodologici sono spesso affiancati da riferimenti agli aspetti economici e applicativi. Particolare enfasi è data alle metodologie più moderne per lo studio di sistemi avanzati di accumulo e conversione dell’energia per via elettrochimica. Viene introdotto il concetto di smart grid e della produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili sostenuta da opportuni sistemi di accumulo.
- link:
 - Title: Laboratorio Macromolecole (Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale, in Italian)
- Lecturer: Andrea Martinelli (Sapienza)
- Duration: 9 CFU
- Period: Second semester; Mon 9:00-11:00, Wed 9:00-11:00, Thu 9:00-11:00, CU014, aula D, lab 219, lab 220
- Abstract: Il corso è strutturato in modo da fornire informazioni su alcune tecniche sperimentali impiegate per la caratterizzazione dei materiali polimerici. Ogni argomento trattato si sviluppa in tre fasi: (1) esame delle grandezze che si misurano con la tecnica strumentale in oggetto e le teorie che descrivono i fenomeni analizzati; (2) descrizione della strumentazione impiegata e le modalità sperimentali da utilizzare in relazione alle informazioni che si vogliono acquisire; (3) prove sperimentali e acquisizione dei dati per la successiva elaborazione. I risultati ottenuti verranno analizzati in base alle teorie descritte nella prima fase.
-Title: Microscopies and nanocharacterization techniques
- Lecturer: Marco Rossi (Sapienza)
- Duration: 9 CFU
- Period: Second semester, Mon, Tue, Wed, and Fri 08:00 -10:00 room 17, RM031 (Via Eudossiana)
- Abstract: The course provides students with essential skills in various microscopy techniques that are essential for R&D and industrial processes using nanotechnologies. It covers electron and scanning probe microscopy, spectroscopy and atomic scale materials characterisation. The course aims to enable the participants to select the best techniques for nano-characterisation. It includes training in electron optics, interpretation of results, and various microscopy (and also spectroscopical) methods for analysing chemical, structural and physical properties. The course also emphasises critical skills, communication, ethical judgement and continuous learning, preparing students for professional challenges in nanotechnology and related fields.
- Title: Chimica e caratterizzazione dei materiali polimerici (Corso di Laurea in Chimica Analitica)
- Lecturer: Ilaria Fratoddi (Sapienza)
- Duration: 6 CFU
- Period: Second semester; Wed 12:00-14:00, room C, CU035; Thu 13:00-15:00, room C, CU035
- Abstract: Chimica dei polimeri, metodiche di caratterizzazione, materiali nanostrutturati (principalmente polimeri, ma anche qualche altro outsider).
- Title: Scanning Probe Microscopy (Corso di Laurea in Nanotechnology Engineering)
- Lecturer: Daniele Passeri (Sapienza)
- Duration: 3 CFU
- Period: Second semester; Fri 11:00-14:00. aula 3, RM031
Fondamenti di AFM e SPM. Tecniche avanzate basate su AFM. Microscopia ad effetto tunnel. Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS). Litografia mediante AFM.
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- Title: Nanophotonics and Plasmonics
- Dates: 04/2025 - the schedule will be agreed with interested students, please contact
- Hours: 20
- Lecturer: Concita Sibilia
- Abstract: The part of seminars related to Nanophotonics aims to introduce to students some exciting concepts that differ from conventional wave optics, with particular emphasis to the role of the evanescent fields in many practical applications, such as near field optical microscopy. The field of plasmonics (interaction of light with electrons in metals) has attracted a great deal of interest over the past two decades, but despite the many fundamental breakthroughs and exciting science it has produced, it is yet to deliver on the applications that were initially targeted as most promising. The seminars proposed examine the primary fundamental hurdles in the physics of plasmons that have been hampering practical applications and highlights some of the promising areas in which the field of plasmonics can realistically deliver.
- Verification: Oral discussion of course's topics.
- Title: Basics of Nonlinear Optics
- Dates: 05/2025 - the schedule will be agreed with interested students, please contact
- Hours: 20
- Lecturer: Concita Sibilia
- Abstract: Nonlinear Optics (NLO) is the study of phenomena that occur as a consequence of the modification of the optical properties of a material system by the presence of light. Basics and more recent applications of NLO to new light sources and devices will be presented in a series of seminars.
- Verification: Oral discussion of course's topics.
- Title: Experiences in Optics
- Dates:
16/12/2024 15:00-17:30 Room L009 Floor P1, RM009
14/01/2025 15:00-17:30 Room L009 Floor P1, RM009
28/01/2025 10:00-12:30 Room L009 Floor P1, RM009
30/01/2025 9:30-12:00 Room L013 (Lab A7) Floor PS1, RM008
04/02/2025 9:30-12:00 Room L009 Floor P1, RM009
06/02/2025 9:30-12:00 Room L013 (Lab A7) Floor PS1, RM008
11/02/2025 11:00-13:30 Room L009 Floor P1, RM009
13/02/2025 10:30-13:00 Room L009 Floor P1, RM009
- Hours: 20
- Lecturer: Alessandro Belardini
- Abstract: The course gives the theoretical basis of optics, geometrical optics and physical optics, polarisation, diffraction, interference, use of simple optical elements such as lenses, prisms, polarisers, waveplate. After the theoretical introduction, the course provides a series of optics laboratory experiences were the students can experimentally verify the laws of optics that they have studied. The experiences are divided into three groups. The first concerns geometric optics, in particular Snell's law. The second and third groups concern physical optics, in particular polarization, interference and diffraction.
- Verification: Oral discussion of course's topics.
- Title: Numerical methods for simulations of electromagnetic wave – matter interactions
- Dates:
08/01/2025 15:00-17:00, online on Zoom, ID meeting: 867 7909 4459
10/01/2025 10:00-13:00, online on Zoom, ID meeting: 885 5111 0281
14/01/2025 15:00-18:00 Lab A6, Floor PS1, RM008
16/01/2025 15:00-18:00 Lab A6, Floor PS1, RM008
17/01/2025 15:00-18:00 Lab A6, Floor PS1, RM008
20/01/2025 15:00-18:00, online on Zoom, ID meeting: 880 9008 0512
21/01/2025 10:00-13:00, online on Zoom, ID meeting: 817 8667 0354
- Hours: 20
- Lecturer: Emilija Petronijevic (Sapienza)
- Abstract: The course gives practical basis for the numerical investigation of interaction between matter and electromagnetic waves in different spectral ranges. After the theoretical introduction focusing on finite difference time domain, the course makes use of a commercial solver to show how different materials, in micro-and nanoscaled geometries, tailor electromagnetic wave distribution. The course then provides two simulation experiences: the first treats a single nanostructure, and the second periodically organized nanostructures. Both experiences treat transmission and absorption of the waves, near- and far-field spatial and spectral properties, electromagnetic behavior at resonances, and the influence of the excitation wave polarization.
- Verification: discussion of a course topic
- Title: Analytical Techniques for Wave Phenomena (PhD Program in Information and Communication Technology)
- Dates: from 23.09.2025 to 30.10.2025 in the seminar room at the second floor of the DIET department, Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, Italy, with the following schedule:
Tuesday 10:00-13:00
Thursday 10:00-13:00
- Hours: 36
- Lecturer: Paolo Burghignoli
- Abstract: The course aims at providing Ph.D. students with analytical tools useful in applied research on general wave phenomena. The unifying theme is that of complex analysis, of which a compact, self-contained introduction is presented. Fundamental techniques for the asymptotic evaluation of integrals are then illustrated, including the Laplace and saddle-point methods. Applications are focused on the analysis of time-harmonic waves excited in planar layered structures by canonical sources and on scattering from half planes and spheres. As concerns the former, different wave species will be defined and physically discussed (space waves, surface waves, leaky waves, lateral waves). As concerns the latter, the Wiener-Hopf method and the Watson transformation will be introduced.
- Verification: Oral discussion of course's topics.
- Title: Thermal Radiation and Infrared Signature (Master in Optics and Quantum Information)
- Lecturer: Roberto Li Voti (Sapienza)
- Hours: 30
- Period: January-March 2025, see the Master web page.
- Abstract: The course will cover the following topics: spontaneous emission, thermal radiation, Planck's law, Stephan-Bolzmann law. Emissivity, black body theory and selective radiators. Electromagnetic spectrum, light radiation, infrared radiation. Characteristic parameters of a radiant element: radiance, spectral radiance, power, spectral power. Propagation of the light signal in air, atmospheric absorption bands. Atmospheric effects: absorption, self-emission, diffusion, deflection, turbulence. Numerical techniques for the evaluation of the variable emissivity of materials; and nondestructive photoacoustic and photothermal techniques for the characterization of materials.
- Title: Laboratory for Industrial Applications of Photothermal and Photoacoustic Optical Technologies (Master in Optics and Quantum Information)
- Lecturer: Roberto Li Voti (Sapienza)
- Hours: 30
- Period: March-May 2025,  see the Master web page.
- Abstract: The course will provide the theoretical bases of the photothermal, photoacoustic, radiometric, and infrared techniques for nondestructive evaluation and testing of materials (nanomaterials and metamaterials). Many applications will be introduced in different fields: industry, environment, energy, but also biology, medicine, agrifood. Final comparisons will be introduced among the diagnostic techniques. The course also contains some experimental activities in the laboratory and the relative data analysis and data processing.
- Title: Optics (LM Nanotechnology)
- Lecturer: Eugenio Fazio
- Duration: 6 CFU
- Period: Second semester, Room 17 RM031, Wed15:00-17:00, Thu 10:00-13:00
- Abstract: see the course web page
 - Title: Molecular dynamics and atomistic simulations (LM Nanotechnology)
- Lecturer: Giuseppe Zollo
- Duration: 3+3 CFU: Statistical physics and Monte Carlo Techniques (3 cfu), Molecular Dynamics (3 cfu)
- Period 2024: First semester, ICI venue S. Pietro in Vincoli, Room 2, Thu 14:00-17:00, Room 3 Fri 17:00-19:00
- Period 2025: First semester, details within the beginning of the semester
- Abstract: The main purpose of the course is to transfer to the students the basic knowledge concerning the multidisciplinary topics that are the basis of the atomistic simulations techniques and methods. The course is focused on the main aspects of the classical models with a brief mention to the quantum mechanical approaches.
- Title: Laser Fundamentals (LM Electronic Engineering)
- Lecturer: Concita Sibilia
- Duration: 6 CFU
- Period: Second semester
- Abstract: The purpose of the course is to provide the student with an understanding of the working principles of active optical devices based on the interaction of light with nanoscale systems; It also wants to provide a knowledge of the most current techniques of design and realization of pulsed lasers, including miniaturized lasers (q-dots, photonic crystal lasers) and their uses in the field of Optoelectronics, quantum information and also in diagnostics employing the miniaturized Optical sources.
- Title: Quantum Information, I (Master in Optics and Quantum Information)
- Lecturer: Fabio Bovino
- Duration: 5 CFU
- Period: First semester,  see the Master web page
- Abstract: Classical Electrodynamics: fundamental equations and dynamical variables. Quantum Electrodynamics in the Coulomb Gauge: general framework, time evolution, observables and states of the quantized free field, the Hamiltonian for the Interaction between particles and field. Coherent interaction: two state dynamics, Jaynes-Cummings model. Quantum Statistics of the field. Dissipative processes. Dressed states.
 -Title: Quantum Information, II (Master in Optics and Quantum Information)
- Lecturer: Fabio Bovino
- Duration: 5 CFU
- Period: Second semester,  see the Master web page.
- Abstract: Finite-Dimensional Hilbert Spaces: Quantum bits, Multiple qubits, Quantum Tomography, Entanglement, Bell Inequality, Teleportation, Nocloning. Quantum Information - Theory: Entropy and Information, the Holevo Bound, Communication over noise quantum channels, entanglement as physical resource. Quantum dense coding and quantum cryptography. Infinite-Dimensional Hilbert Spaces.
- Title: Advanced Electromagnetics and Scattering (LM Electronic Engineering)
- Lecturer: Fabrizio Frezza
- Duration: 6 CFU
- Period: Second semester; ICI S. Pietro in Vincoli, Thu (room 37, 17:00-19:00) and Fri (room 20, 14:00-17:00)
- Abstract: The course is aimed to present an overview of some advanced topics in Electromagnetics, of considerable importance for the applications, and an introduction to electromagnetic scattering. Key instruments extensively used for their physical intuition and representative power are the modal expansion with the relevant equivalent distributed circuits, and the plane‐wave spectra. The concepts of Green’s function and integral representation are also studied in depth.
-Title: Microwaves (LM Electronic Engineering)
- Lecturers: Marta Cavagnaro (Sapienza), Fabrizio Frezza (Sapienza)
- Duration: 9 CFU
- Period 2024: First semester,  Faculty of Engineering, building RM031; Mon and Tue 10:00-12:00 room 23, Wed 14:00-16:00 room 23 and Thu 14:00-16:00 room 48
- Period 2025: First semester, details within the beginning of the semester
- Abstract: Scope of the Course is to provide the student with both the basic knowledge concerning guided propagation of electromagnetic fields, and the most important microwave structures and circuits. In particular, the teaching will deal with distributed-constant analysis, typical of microwave circuits; an overview of the principal microwave guiding structures and circuit elements, and the methodologies to analyze them.
- Title: Artificial materials, metamaterials and plasmonics for electromagnetic applications (LM Electronic Engineering)
- Lecturer: Fabrizio Frezza (Sapienza)
- Duration: 6 CFU
- Period 2024: First semester, Faculty of Engineering, building RM031, Room 17, Tue 16:00-19:00 and Room 4, Thu 10:00-12:00
- Period 2025: first semester, details within the beginning of the semester
- Abstract: The Course is aimed to provide the general electromagnetic theory of artificial materials, metamaterials and plasmonic structures, of considerable importance in many recent applications.
- Title: Struttura della materia con elementi di meccanica quantistica e simulazioni atomistiche - modulo 2 - simulazioni atomistiche  (LM Nanotecnologie)
- Lecturer: Giuseppe Zollo
- Duration: 6 CFU
- Period: second semester, TBA 
- Abstract: Richiami di meccanica Lagrangiana e Hamiltoniana. Introduzione alla Meccanica Statistica. Metodo Monte-Carlo in meccanica statistica. Dinamica Molecolare classica. Potenziali classici. Teoria quantistica dei sistemi a molti corpi. Cenni alla teoria del funzionale densità.

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