Annual report

The research activity of MMIEN PhD students is qualitatively and quantitatively high: the average number of research products contributed on Cineca by PhD researchers in the last three completed cycles is steadily around 10, more than 60% of them are journal articles (01a).
MMIEN PhD students received the following prizes and recognition:
  • Rosanna Mosetti (cycle 39) received the prize as best talk in “XXVIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics” (Venice, 05-09/02/2024)
  • Luca Buccini (cycle 38) e Anacleto Proietti (cycle 37), together with Proff. Daniele Passeri and Marco Rossi, received the first of 2024 AFM Image Contest (Oxford Instruments) with the picture “The Sinkhole at Antelope Canyon”
  • Sammar Tayyab (cycle 37) received the prize "Young Researcher Award" during the "5th International Conference on Material Sciences and Nanotechnology", Athens, 21-23/10/2024
  • Lorenzo Savino (cycle 37) is one of the three winners of "Outstanding Presentations by Early Career Scientists" during "4th Fusion HPC Workshop" in 2023 (
Currently, MMIEN has many official agreements with research centres and companies for hospitality, funding, joint thesis and scientific collaborations for PhD students: CNR (IAC and ISM), Rutgers University, University of Warsaw, Friedrich Schiller University, UC Louvain, Lund University, Université Paris Cité, ENEA, ISS, MACS Srl, Leonardo SpA, Focused Energy GmbH, Longwave Photonics LLC, EXPERT.AI, Thales Alenia Space, Centro Ricerche FIAT-Stellantis, IMEC, Involve Group Srl.

MMIEN encourages the mobility of PhD students and the internationalization of their educational path, supporting it logistically and economically, through dedicated budget for missions, the insertion of PhD students in ongoing research projects, the increase of scholarship amount by Sapienza for the period spent abroad for study or research purposes and dedicated calls by Sapienza. Between November 2023 and December 2024, 53 PhD students done 42 days on mission each on average.

On the whole, between the 01.11.2023 and today PhD students done:
  • 152 missions, for a total amount of 2265 days (on average 42 days of mission each);
  • 87 research months, that students of 37-39 cycles spent in a research institution abroad (counting only stays of at least one month.
MMIEN encourages the participation to dedicated calls for PhD students:
  • for the call “Sapienza Avvio alla Ricerca”, 16 PhD students in 2022, 8 PhD students in 2023 and 11 PhD students in 2024 received fundings;
  • for “Sapienza call for the financing of mobility periods abroad”, 6 PhD students in 2022, 4 PhD students in 2023 and 4 PhD students in 2024 received fundings.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma