Admission to the Physics Ph.D. programme (40th cycle)


The announcement for the selection of candidates for admission to the 40th cycle of the PhD in Physics has been published on May 20 on the web pages of the Sapienza doctoral office. The selection for admission will begin with a written test to be held on the morning of Monday, June 24, 2024 in the Amaldi and Cabibbo classrooms of the Department of Physics. In this folder the written tests of the 39th cycle admission competition are available (version 3 also has the solutions because it was the one drawn), together with a syllabus for this year entrance exam, a brief description of the fellowships funded on research projects and some indications on ho wthe oral exam will be conducted. FURTHER INFORMATION FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS. To apply for a Ph.D. fellowship is mandatory to take part in the written exam to be done in presence on June 24, 2024 in the Physics Department at Sapienza University of Rome. Foreign students who can not participate in such a written exam can apply for a Ph.D. position WITHOUT a fellowship (this means they will need to obtain a fellowship from other sources).

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