Study plan for the academic year 2023/2024

List of courses / activities for the first year

Advanced Quantum Information - Fabio Sciarrino / Marco Barbieri 3
Statistical Field Theory - Andrea Cavagna - 3/6 cfu 6
Stochastic thermodynamics - Andrea Puglisi 3
Multimessenger Astrophysics - Irene Di Palma 3
Large-N QCD - Marco Bochicchio - 3/6 cfu 6
Probabilistic Inference and Forecasting in the Sciences - Giulio D'Agostini / Andrea Messina 6
From ergodicity breaking to algorithmic phase transitions - Maria Chiara Angelini/Giacomo Gradenigo - 3/6 cfu - 6
Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with Matter, Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Absorption - Carlo Mariani / Alessandro Ruocco / Francesco Offi - 3/6 cfu 6
Applications of group theory to condensed matter physics - Paolo Barone 3
The physics of neutron production, detection and key applications - Antonino Pietropaolo 3
Advanced Machine Learning for Physics - Stefano Giagu / Andrea Ciardiello - 3/6 cfu 6
Introduction to Effective Field Theories and Applications to Flavour Physics - Luca Silvestrini / Mauro Valli 3
Advanced Course on the Standard Model - Marco Bonvini/Giuseppe Degrassi/Vittorio Lubicz 3
Monte Carlo for high energy physics - Emanuele Bagnaschi 3

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Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Admission to the second year

List of courses / activities for the second year

seminari su disseminazione della scienza e preparazione per il seminario da svolgere entro il 2° anno 1
partecipazione a seminari generali del Dipartimento 1
Formazione Sapienza sulle soft skills per Giovani Ricercatori 1

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Method of preparation of the thesis

Admission to the third year

List of courses / activities for the third year

partecipazione a seminari generali del Dipartimento 1

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Method of admission to the final examination

Final examination

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