Study plan for the academic year 2022/2023

List of courses / activities for the first year

Francesco Berrilli, Valentina D'Orazi: The Sun as a Star 1
A. Rocchi Einstein Telescope 1
L. Mancini Exoplanet observations with TESS and JWST 1
J. Chluba CMB spectral distortions 1
F. Tombesi IXPE, XRISM 1
G. Bono GAIA 1
G. Puglisi CMB polarization 1
Cristiano Palomba: Multi-Messenger astronomy 1
M. Dolci SKA 1
Federico Tosi (IINAF-IAPS) JUICE 1
M. Martinelli Euclid 1
Saverio Lombardi (INAF): CTA/ASTRI 1
Elia Battistelli SRT 1
Marco Castellano JWST 1
Massimo Dall’Ora LSST 1
Communication in Astrophysics 6
Astrophysics Workshop 5
General seminars [at least 10 recommended] 1

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During the first year the students, in collaboration with the supervisors, undertake the research activity related to the thesis assigned by the Academic Board.

In addition to the research activity, the training plan is completed with the following activities:

- a series of short courses to improve scientific culture in astronomy, astrophysics and space science subjects. In particular, these courses focus on instruments of recent or future deployment, and related scientific objectives;

- an thematic workshop on "communication in astrophysics";

- participation in general seminars in astrophysics;

- participation in the end-of-year astrophysics workshop with presentation of the planned research;

- participation (optional but recommended) in Summer schools for PhD students.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The Board provides a list of theses for the different institutes in collaboration for the PhD programme (Sapienza, Tor Vergata, INAF).
Each students selects 4 proposals in the different institutes, according to his interests.
The Board approves a thesis to each student, following as much as possible the preferences, with a good balance among the different institutes.

Admission to the second year

The students begin working to their research activity form first year, in collaboration with there supervisors. To be admitted to the second year, each student will have to write a brief review on the topic of their thesis.
The same content will be presented to the annual Astrophysics workshop, to the public, and in presence of the PhD board.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Seminars [a minimum of 6 mandatory] 1
Astrophysics workshop 5

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The activity focuses on the research related to the selected thesis.

Method of preparation of the thesis

The students start working on their thesis project since the first year, in collaboration with their supervisors.

Admission to the third year

Public presentation and discussion with the Board during the Astrophysics Workshop organised for second year evaluation, and for monitoring the progress of the research.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Astrophysics Workshop 5
General seminars [at least 6] 1

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The activity focuses on the research related to the selected thesis.

Method of admission to the final examination

In order to be admitted to the final thesis defence, the students must:
- present and discuss to the PhD Board the research activity conducted. This is done at the annual Astrophysics Workshop, publicly and in presence of the Board;
- submit a draft of the thesis to 2 independent international reviewers, before the final editing.

Final examination

Submission of the thesis to the Committee a month ahead the final discussion.
Presentation and discussion with the Committee.

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