20-22/02/2024 at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering
The 1st iENTRANCE@ENL Advanced School for energy transition and circular economy will take place in Rome (Italy) on February 20-22, 2024. The school, organized as a three-day program, will be hosted by Sapienza University of Rome and held by INRIM, CNR, Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna, UniRoma3 and Politecnico di Torino.
The school is dedicated to PhD students and early career researchers, as well as to scientists working in the broad field of materials science. The school aims to introduce them to the world of materials design, production, processes, characterization and simulation as the hottest topic for recycling, circularity and the transition to responsible energy consumption through smart materials and characterization tools. The school will also include sessions on FAIR data management and technology transfer.
The program includes a mixture of lectures by renowned scientists in the field, possibilities to discuss on own work and small group practical sessions to get hands-on experience with FAIR Data.
The school will be in hybrid form, both in person and online. The link for the online sessions will be shared with the registered attendees in the days before the school. The participation is free of charge, but the registration is mandatory at the following link https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=n07GNH_S3U6h8BOX8MhPlJxQWquJAV5Fv8BvuGqTs09UNTRYSDFIWEc0UVpLTUVYTVJBTzhOUE9CVS4u (NB: Applications are open until 13 February 2024)