Sapienza has launched the University Call 2024 for Third Mission Initiatives, with a total endowment of € 570,000.00, aimed at proposals for the enhancement of knowledge and production of public goods, in favor of society and for the purpose of changing the reference context.
PHD students and postdoctoral fellows, also in collaboration with each other, can participate in “Avvio alla Terza Missione,” with a maximum grantable funding per project of € 15,000.00 and a total availability of € 120,000.00.
Funding applications for projects can be submitted from 3 p.m. on 09/19/2024 and by 2 p.m. on 10/31/2024, via SiGeBa platform (Call Management System).
All information is available here: https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina/bando-di-ateneo-iniziative-di-terza-missione-2024