Research Dissemination Travel AWARD

Research Dissemination AWARD (RD AWARD)
The PhD program in Earth Sciences offers to the PhD students at the 2nd year 1 travel award of up to 1,500 € to support dissemination of research findings at high level international congress meetings for early carrier scientists.
Any student at the 2nd year of PhD in Earth Sciences either curriculum in Geosciences or curriculum in Cultural Heritage, presenting his research activities in ENGLISH.
Allowable Expenses
Allowable expenses include the direct costs associated with meeting attendance, such as meeting registration, travel ticket, and accommodation. Reimbursement of expenses will be made upon presentation of travel-related receipts.
Application Process
PhD students at the 2nd year of the PhD program are naturally applicants for the travel award during the presentation of their research activities to the PhD Board (no further application forms are required). Granting will be made after this presentation, upon submission of the required documentation.
Selection Committee
The selection Committee will include 5 PhD students randomly selected by the PhD Coordinator from those at the 3rd year of the PhD program. The winner of the previous year will be the President of the Committee. The Committee will evaluate the presentation following the award criteria reported below:
1) Clarity of the open questions and reasons for conducting the research           (up to 20 points)
2) Clarity of the research objective(s)                                                                   (up to 20 points)
3) Clarity of outputs and outcomes                                                                       (up to 20 points)
4) Style and efficacy of presentation                                                                     (up to 20 points)
5) Originality of communication                                                                             (up to 20 points)
List of PhD students who were granted
2019 - Claudia Moricca
2020 - Veronica Stopponi
2021 - Alessandra Altieri
2022 - Marta Zocchi
2023 - Giada Fernandez

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma