Stefano Sacanna (New York University, USA): Direct observation of non-classical crystallization pathways in binary colloidal systems

17/06/2024 at 16:00, Aula Conversi, Marconi building, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Roma

In this talk, I will present groundbreaking insights into the non-classical nucleation and growth pathways of crystals explored through an innovative colloidal model system composed of optically transparent, oppositely charged particles. This approach has allowed us to probe these complex mechanisms with an unprecedented level of detail, illuminating alternative nucleation routes such as two-step nucleation and cluster aggregation. It has also led to the discovery of a new type of crystal structure previously unobserved in colloidal systems, without any known counterpart in nature.

Classical theories of crystal nucleation and growth often fall short in explaining the diverse phenomena observed in experimental systems. This talk addresses this gap by demonstrating that these alternative pathways can lead to novel and unexpected crystal structures, thus providing a bridge between theoretical predictions and practical observations.

The implications of our findings extend across materials science, offering new strategies for material design and synthesis that leverage non-classical growth principles.

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