This paper proposes specification tools for time fixed-effects in country panels that complement summary and graphical representations of the data. They cover the standard two-way fixed-effect model, as well as other more general d-way fixed effect specifications with d ≥ 3. The tools are based on the observable characteristics of univariate time series of contrasts implied by a given specification; they use flagging rules based on graphical or statistical analysis. Evidence on which contrasts do not
contain time fixed-effects can be harvested by algorithms; this paper discusses two examples of such algorithms. Implications for the specification of Differences in Differences estimation are discussed, and results are illustrated using a country panel of prices of mobile telecommunication services.
November 13, 2023, 15:00
Paolo Paruolo
Joint work with Giulia Canzian and Louis Ronchail
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra (VA), Italy
In person: Room 34 (4th floor) building CU002 Scienze Statistiche
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