
The Ph.D. Programme "School of Statistical Sciences" ("Scuola di Scienze Statistiche") consists of three curriculum: (a) Demography; (b) Actuarial Sciences; (c) Methodological Statistics. Their description is provided below.

The doctoral program in Demography aims to train researchers and highly professional figures for all the roles where specific skills in the study of population processes are required (universities, research institutes and study centres, public and private, both in Italy and abroad).
The training of the curriculum Demography aims at providing to doctoral students a solid knowledge of the conceptual tools and methodologies for the study of population, its dynamics and interrelationships that link demographic behaviours with the economic and social ones. Consider, for example, the study of phenomena such as foreign immigration, the process of population aging, changing family and cohabitation forms, health conditions, survival and longevity, the relationship between population and environment. These issues are all assuming an increasing importance in the contemporary world and their implications will have a decisive impact on social and economic balances in our country. Both at the micro level, the individual and the family one, and at the macro level of population, demography faces up issues that, in order to be adequately understood, need a multidisciplinary perspective combining different approaches and different tools of analysis. Economics, sociology, epidemiology, medicine, biology and anthropology, just to talk about the subjects related to demography, enter entirely into the cultural and scientific background necessary to understand causes and consequences of demographic behaviours.
The doctoral training activity is organised to enhance this multidisciplinary vision, without giving up on a solid methodological basis. At the end of the courses, doctoral students will have gained a thorough knowledge of the methodological tools of the discipline, but also of the mathematical and statistical tools that allow to develop and to manage models for the analysis, the simulation, and the forecast.

The aim of the doctoral program in Actuarial science is to create a figure with highly specialized skills in Actuarial science for university teaching and research careers, and for industrial and governmental positions involving research in this area, both in Italy and abroad.
The core of the topics of interest of the curriculum is quite wide and includes Actuarial Mathematics, Life and NonLife Insurance Mathematics, Pensions Mathematics, Risk theory, Reinsurance, Solvency, Economics of Insurance, Financial Mathematics.
The curriculum is, at the moment, the only one in Italy specifically oriented towards Actuarial Sciences.
The main activities that allows doctoral students to achieve these goals are:
a) advanced courses;
b) monographic courses.
Doctoral students in this curriculum are required to attend classes in advanced general topics, such as: Stochastic processes II, Risk theory II, Advanced econometrics, Statistical methods for insurance and finance, Montecarlo methods for insurance and finance.
Students are also required to attend courses on more specific topics.
The main goal of the doctoral studies in Actuarial science is to make students able to develop original research. They are lead to deal with open and relevant research topics under the supervision of senior researchers from Sapienza University and/or other international research institutions. Results of such a research activity leads to a final doctoral Thesis.
Doctoral students are also invited to spend a period of study and research in prestigious research institution abroad. Among other prestigious research institutions, we have had (and still have) students at ETH (Zurich), Cass Business School (London), Imperial College (London), University of Lausanne, University of Waterloo, SCOR (Zurich), University of Southampton (UK), University of Toronto (CA).
During the 3-year program doctoral students are involved in the research activity of the Department.
Most of previous doctoral students are currently employed in Academia and leading research Institutions, both in Italy and abroad.

The aim of the doctoral program in Methodological Statistics is to prepare students for university teaching and research careers, as well as for industrial and governmental positions involving research in new statistical methods, both in Italy and abroad. The program aims to create a figure with highly specialized skills in all the fields related to the "data production, dissemination and analysis" process, including: planning of surveys (observational studies) and experiments, implementation of methodologies, data analysis, presentation of results.
The three main activities that allows doctoral students to achieve these goals are:
a) advanced courses;
b) monographic courses;
c) research projects.
Doctoral students in the curriculum Methodological Statistics are required to attend classes in advanced general topics, such as:
Probability, Stochastic Processes, Decision Theory, Multivariate Statistics, Sample Surveys, Bayesian Inference, Computational Statistics, Time Series, Spatial Statistics, Data Mining, Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials.
Students are also required to attend courses on more specific topics. The main goal of the doctoral studies in Methodological Statistics is to make students able to develop original research. They are lead to deal with open and relevant research topics under the supervision of senior researchers from Sapienza University and/or other international research institutions. Results of this research activity leads to a final doctoral thesis.


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