PhD FABIO MANGRAVITI wins a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship with the FISM project


The IMF project investigates from an interdisciplinary perspective the functions expressed by 'satire' (vyangya) and 'humour' (hasya) in the Hindi language in the Indian socio-cultural reality. The use of these modes of expression will be analysed both in the literary and performance spheres, as well as in the context of new media. Moving in this theoretical direction, we will especially investigate the dynamics of agency expressed through satire and humour that are enacted by 'subaltern' and fringe subjects and communities. The aim of the research, which will especially investigate the urban and peri-urban areas of metropolises and second tier cities in North India, is to describe and theorise contemporary Hindi satire as a specific instrument of resilience, activism and empowerment of subaltern subjects and communities.
Supervisor: Giorgio Milanetti

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