Deadlines timetable

How to choose the subject of the thesis
The subject of the thesis is defined starting from the project presented by the candidate in the initial call.
Once admitted to the PhD, the candidate discusses the project presented with the supervisor, with whom he determines its scope and methodology.
Modalities for admission to the following year
The verification consists of two phases:
1) monitoring of the first semester: sending of the material to the Scientific Responsible of the curriculum by April 30 of each year.
2) passage of the year: sending of the material to the Scientific Responsible of the reference curriculum by September 20 of each year.
First year: a reasoned bibliography, articulated and enriched with respect to that already presented initially with the research project, possibly accompanied by other optional materials.
Second year: in addition to the updated annotated bibliography, the presentation of a structured and annotated index (even if not definitive) is required, accompanied by other optional materials (e.g. translations or other).
Third year: In addition to the updated bibliography and index, at least one chapter of the thesis, together with the general index (which may, however, still be slightly modified), together with other optional materials (e.g., other draft chapters, translations , tables or other). Any essays that are being published or have already been published can also be attached.
The material required for admission to the following year consists of a report on the state of research and the training activities carried out. The general structure of the report is valid for all three years. The level of progress and detailing will change, which will have to be reflected in the overall length of the report, for which the following formal indications are valid:
The report is made up of four sections, structured as follows:
Section 1: Progress of research work
In this section, the doctoral candidate can first briefly describe their research project, then focusing on the research developments that occurred in the academic year that has just ended and on the various phases of the same, especially for the periods spent at the abroad. Especially in the case of those who pass from the 1st to the 2nd year, any evolutions that the project has undergone with respect to the form in which it was presented at the time of admission to the doctorate can be described; this aspect can be made explicit by arguing the path of the study that has taken place up to that moment also through references to new studies and new bibliographic sources that add up to those presented in the initial project, comparisons made with other scholars or the outcome of any overseas missions. For greater clarity, this section can be divided into several sub-sections.
Section 2: bibliographic section that reports in more detail any references cited in Section 1.
Section 3: Training activities
In this section you can proceed with the list and brief description of the training activities carried out in the a.y. recently passed, such as, for example, participation in conventions, conferences, workshops or other, both as a speaker and as an listener; participation in methodological lessons and any curriculum lessons; teaching support and more.
Section 4: Approval and signature (also electronic) of the tutor
The last part of this report must be reserved for an approval note signed by the tutor.
At the end of the legal duration of the doctoral course, candidates must submit to the evaluation and discussion of the thesis for the conferment of the research doctorate title. Before being uploaded to Infostud for sending to the assessors, the thesis must have been submitted to the tutor. The evaluators express a written analytical judgment on the thesis and propose its admission to public discussion or postponement for a period not exceeding six months if they deem significant additions or corrections necessary. After this period, the thesis is in any case admitted to public discussion, accompanied by a new written opinion of the same evaluators, made in the light of any corrections or additions made.

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