Deadlines, materials, templates

Procedure for choosing the subject of the thesis
The subject of the thesis is defined from the project submitted by the candidate in the competition.
Once admitted to the PhD programme, the candidate discusses the project presented with the tutor with whom he/she determines its scope and methodology.
Testing Deadlines and Materials
Each year there are two moments to check the progress of the research work: 
1) monitoring of the first semester;
2) year passage (with admission to the final examination upon completion of the third year).
The deadlines and materials are described in detail for each year in the file entitled ‘GUIDELINES ON PERIODIC ASSESSMENTS’ available in the Classroom environment of the Ph.D. course:

Templates for the following documents are available in the right-hand column (Insights):
-  pre-authorisation from supervisor to apply for nulla osta (authorization) for paid activity ((prior authorisation from the supervisor must be uploaded onto X-Up together with the doctoral candidate's request for nulla osta on plain paper);

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