CYCLE XL, YEAR I, A.Y. 2024-2025
NB: SR1 means Sala riunioni 1, on the 3rd floor of the Marco Polo buiilding
Tuesday, 12/11/2024
16:00-18:00, Laboratory 3, 3rd floor
Introduction to the PhD in Asian and African Civilizations: rules, activities, opportunities.
Instructor: Federica Casalin (CAA)
Teaching Module: 1. Introduction to the PhD in Asian and African Civilizations (CAA), cross-disciplinary.
A link will be provided for those abroad.
Wednesday, 20/11/2024
h. 11:00-13:00 , online
SOFT SKILLS: Thematic Area A. “Project Design in R&I”
Research Funding in National and Regional Contexts and in the University Research Grant
Speakers: Carmela Romeo, Michela Piergentili, Valentina Vanni, Federica Crola
Contents: An overview of main public and private funding opportunities for young researchers at national and regional levels. Guidelines for project budgeting in funding proposal submissions will be provided, including the "Research Start-Up" grant for PhD students, Residents, and Research Fellows at Sapienza, covering both the project proposal and fund reporting phases.
(Online only: Note: Advance registration on Infostud is required.
Friday, 22/11/2024
h. 09:00-11:00, online
SOFT SKILLS: Thematic Area C. “Research Data Management and the Potential of Research Infrastructures and Laboratories at Sapienza.”
Databases and Digital Tools for Research Support, Available at Sapienza
Speakers: Dr. Sebastiano Rossitto (Scopus), Dr. Zsofia Buttell (Funding Institutional), Prof. Francesca Grassi (Introduction, Research@Sapienza, First Newsletter)
Contents: This module will focus on key tools available to the Sapienza academic community. It will detail the functionalities of Research@Sapienza, Funding Institutional, Scopus, and First Newsletter, with a practical and interactive approach on optimizing research fund scouting and scientific output analysis. The module will be conducted in English.
(Online only: Note: Advance registration on Infostud is required.
Friday, 22/11/2024
h. 11:30-13:30, SR1, 3rd floor
Periodic Review Deadlines for the PhD in Asian and African Civilizations: A Practical Guide for Materials' Submission
Instructor: Federica Casalin
Teaching Module: 1. Introduction to the PhD in Asian and African Civilizations (CAA), cross-disciplinary, open to all three years.
A link will be provided for those abroad.
Friday, 22/11/2024
h. 14:00-16:00 , SR1, 3rd floor
Working with Memory Texts and Practices in East Asia: Reflections on Methods and Ethics
Instructor: Mark Pendleton, University of Sheffield
Teaching Module: Theories and Research Methods in East Asian Studies (curriculum AO, all years).
Wednesday, 27/11/2024
h. 15:30-17:30, online
SOFT SKILLS: Thematic Area C. “Research Data Management and the Potential of Research Infrastructures and Laboratories at Sapienza.”
The Potential of Scientific Infrastructures and Research Laboratories at Sapienza
Speakers: Prof. Maria Sabrina Sarto, Prof. Luciano Galantini
Contents: Research infrastructures drive the Research, Education, and Innovation triangle, playing a crucial role in advancing knowledge and technology and supporting tech transfer. This module offers an overview of infrastructure and laboratory potential for Sapienza researchers, including Sapienza's infrastructure network projects like SRI, IARI, and Rome Technopole.
(Online only: Note: Advance registration on Infostud is required.
November 29, 2024, Friday
Time to be determined, Lab. 3, 3rd floor
Prof. Shah Aftab Husain**
Course Title:* Decolonizing Methodologies in South Asian Studies
Module:* Theories and Research Methods in Studies on the Indian Subcontinent and Central Asia (SIAC curriculum, all years).
December 6, 2024, Friday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (online: accessible from SR1 to be on-site by 2:00 PM)*
Soft Skills, Theme Area E: Ethics in Research
Title: Ethics and Science: General Principles
Speakers: Prof. Fabrizio Rufo, Prof. Antonella Ficorilli
Content: What is meant by research ethics? What are the objectives and operational rules of institutions involved in scientific research? The module will cover the topics of autonomy and responsibility of individuals working in research.
December 6, 2024, Friday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, SR1, 3rd floor*
Course Title:** Sapienza Resources for Oriental Studies: Preliminary Approach
Instructor:** Antonella Fallerini (CAA), *Module:* 2. Introduction to Research: Sources and Methods for Bibliographic Research, transversal.
December 6, 2024, Friday
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, SR1, 3rd floor (with possible online access)*
Course Title:** Writing an Annotated Bibliography
Instructor:** Marina Miranda (CAA)
December 9, 2024
2:30 PM - 5:30 PM*
Soft Skills, Theme Area E: Ethics in Research*
Title:** Ethics and Responsibility in Academic Research
Speakers:** Dr. Alessandra Intraversato, Prof. Fabio Sciarrino, Prof. Paolo Villari
Content:** This training module aims to provide an overview of the ethics and responsibility in research topics, including best practices in research integrity, ethics in scientific publications, and guidelines for managing research safety, including dual-use applications. Additionally, procedures for submitting ethical validation requests to the Transdisciplinary Research Ethics Committee (CERT) will be explained.
December 12, 2024, Thursday
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM, online*
Course Title:** Zotero Software for Creating a Bibliography (Part I)
Instructor:** Stefano Romagnoli (CAA), *Module:* Other Activities: IT Skills Improvement
Note:* Instructor connected remotely; personal computer required (smartphone not suitable, tablet may not be ideal).
December 13, 2024, Friday
*10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, SR1, 3rd floor*
**Course Title:** Brief Course on Bibliography (Part I)
**Instructor:** Bruno Lo Turco (CAA), *Module:* 2. Introduction to Research: Sources and Methods for Bibliographic Research, transversal.
December 13, 2024, Friday
*2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, SR1, 3rd floor*
**Course Title:** Brief Course on Bibliography (Part II)
**Instructor:** Bruno Lo Turco (CAA), *Module:* 2. Introduction to Research: Sources and Methods for Bibliographic Research, transversal.
December 19, 2024, Thursday
*11:00 AM - 1:00 PM*
*Soft Skills, Theme Area C: Research Data Management and the Potential of Sapienza Research Infrastructures and Laboratories*
**Title:** IRIS Publications Catalogue: Purpose and Usage
**Speakers:** Dr. Monica Mignucci, Dr. Alice Moroni, Dr. Irene Bongioanni
**Content:** The module provides an overview of the IRIS catalog, focusing on the input of scientific production, author recognition, attachment management, submission validation, and mentions the use of cataloged works for research evaluation procedures.
December 20, 2024, Friday
*9:00 AM - 11:00 AM*
*Soft Skills, Theme Area C: Research Data Management and the Potential of Sapienza Research Infrastructures and Laboratories*
**Title:** Open Access for Publications and Research Data
**Speakers:** Dr. Enrico Dotti, Prof. Giovanni Destro Bisol
**Content:** Introduction to Open Access: a brief history, the different models (green road and gold road), and the advantages of open access. Overview of Sapienza’s open access policy (Prof. Dotti). Open data: from data sharing to Intelligent Data Openness. Pros and cons of data sharing. To what extent is scientific research data shared?
CICLO XXXIX, II ANNO, A.A. 2024-2025
22/11/2024, venerdì
h. 11.30-13.30, SR1, III piano
Il Vademecum sui materiali per le scadenze di verifica periodica del Dottorato in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa
Docente: Federica Casalin
Modulo didattico: 1. Avviamento al dottorato in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa (CAA), trasversale, rivolto a tutte e tre le annualità. Sarà fornito un link per chi è all’estero.
22/11/2024, venerdì
h. 14.00-16.00, SR1, III piano
Working with memory texts and practices in East Asia: reflections on methods and ethics
Docente: Mark Pendleton, University of Sheffield
Modulo didattico: Teorie e metodi della ricerca negli studi sull’Asia Orientale (curriculum AO, tutte le annualità).
22/11/2024, venerdì
h. 11.30-13.30, SR1, III piano
Il Vademecum sui materiali per le scadenze di verifica periodica del Dottorato in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa
Docente: Federica Casalin
Modulo didattico: 1. Avviamento al dottorato in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa (CAA), trasversale, rivolto a tutte e tre le annualità. Sarà fornito un link per chi è all’estero.
22/11/2024, venerdì
h. 14.00-16.00, SR1, III piano
Working with memory texts and practices in East Asia: reflections on methods and ethics
Docente: Mark Pendleton, University of Sheffield
Modulo didattico: Teorie e metodi della ricerca negli studi sull’Asia Orientale (curriculum AO, tutte le annualità).