Procedures to Apply for a Research Mission

The research missions of doctoral students in Italy and abroad are regulated by the Sapienza Mission Regulations (, as indicated by art. 2 paragraph 2c. Please read the Regulations carefully before applying for mission authorization. It is possible to apply for reimbursement of expenses in the following cases: a) if the PhD student is a component of a research group  and the project manager authorizes the reimbursement; b) if the PhD student has successfully applied for research grants, such as "Research starting grants" by Sapienza (Progetti di avvio alla ricerca), Vinci projects (Appel à projets Vinci) etc.; c) 10% research budget, for missions in Italy and abroad (pursuant to art. 8 paragraph 12 of the Regulation issued with D.R. 1000/2022); d) in case the Doctoral Committee selects a PhD student to go on a mission or participate to a conference on behalf of the Doctorate as a whole (i.e. Workshops with other universities). In any case, please write to the Coordinator in advance for preliminary evaluations.

Besides, PhD students with scholarships who go on missions abroad (length of the stay: minimum one day, maximum 12 months) can apply for a 50% increase in the scholarship (see the instructions on the webpage of the doctoral office, which manages the disbursement of the grant supplement). Please note: from cycle XXXVIII onwards, PhD students without a scholarship may also apply for the 50% daily amount of a scholarship (see below for how to apply).




Activities and documents

Phase 1
Before the mission

Prepare the following documentation:

1) letter from the Tutor motivating the doctoral student's mission request (specifying the institution where the student will go to do research / the conference to which he / she will attend or participate etc.), to be sent the as soon as possible to the Coordinator;

2) mission authorization request form (Annex 1). Attention: the item "Anticipazione" should only be filled in if the applicant has a scholarship and wants to apply for the advance of 75% of the expected costs (if there can be discrepancies in the real costs); the item “Funds on which the mission is charged” must be filled in only if the   mission is reimbursable (ask the Coordinator); the form will in all cases be signed by the   Coordinator;

3) Information grid (Annex 2, that is "Scheda informativa": please fill in the information concerning your bank account (i.e. name of the bank, account number, swift and bic codes etc.) only if you can apply for reimbursement, other wise write "reimbursement not required"   in the field "Name of the bank";
4) copy of your identity document;

5) copy of your fiscal code.

Send the letter from the Tutor and the mission authorization request form to the Coordinator for signature at least 7 days before the scheduled departure (if the mission is based on research funds from a teacher, please first ask the project director to sign the request form).   Then send all the documents to with the following   subject: Mission authorization request.


ATTENTION: if you want to apply for a 50% increase in the scholarship (only for missions abroad), in addition to the above procedure it is necessary to follow the instructions available on the page of the Doctoral Office (


NB: If you go to a country where there are no agreements for health coverage, you must contact the Sapienza insurance office to activate the insurance coverage for the stay abroad.


Phase 2
During the mission


Those who leave on a mission upon agreement with an institution (Libraries, Archives, Research Centers, ...) to carry out research activities must obtain a declaration (on headed paper) of the institution where they carry out the activity of study and research with the indication of the period of activity (from ... to ...) *

If a mission is eligible for reimbursement, you must retain the original paper records of all incurred costs (if there isn't an electronic version), including receipts for meals, tickets for local transportation, boarding cards, etc.; otherwise, no reimbursement will be granted. 

Phase 3
After the mission

In all cases: communicate via email to the Coordinator the end of the mission, attaching a short written report on the activities carried out (between 1,000 and 2,000 characters), which summarizes the aims of the mission and the results achieved (the contents can then be inserted in the "PhD student form" to be filled in usually in February for annual renewal);


In case of a refundable mission: fill in the Expense Settlement Request Form (Annex 3) and send it to the following address:, indicating in the email subject: Mission settlement request.
If a mission is eligible for reimbursement, you must retain the original paper records of all incurred costs (if there isn't an electronic version), including receipts for meals, tickets for local transportation, paper boarding permits, etc.; otherwise, no reimbursement will be granted. Sort the paper documentation of the original records of all incurred costs by category of spending and give it in to the secretariat upon your return (put receipts on separate sheets of white or ricycled paper). Hand in the documentation within 30 days from the end of the mission. 


Mission abroad with an increase in the scholarship: complete the procedure as indicated on the page of the PhD Office (, click on the Italian page "Frequentare un dottorato" alla voce " Periodi di studio o ricerca all'estero".


* Those who are not able to get a document from the hosting scientific institution, attesting their period of stay, can provide the Phd Office with a document signed by the Coordinator in order to get an additional sum to their monthly grant

For further information, visit the Phd Programmas Office link

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma