

What it is
A research doctorate (PhD) is the highest level of university instruction available after earning a second-cycle degree. Normally, it is a three-year course of study. Access to PhD programmes is regulated via transcripts and other academic certificates.
Admission to a PhD course requires possession of a second-cycle degree or equivalent foreign degree. A PhD entails a three-year study and research programme that focuses on teaching, research and perfecting a research methodology in a specific sector. The final step in earning a PhD is the presentation of a final written paper (doctoral thesis).
Universities offer a range of PhD programmes with different admission requirements, learning outcomes, courses of study, length and attendance requirements. PhD programmes may also be offered in collaboration with other universities. Moreover, universities may have agreements with both public and private organisations to finance specific PhD programme scholarships.
The objective of a research doctorate is the development of scientific research, knowledge and skills as part of a university or public/private research centre career.
Our department manages the following PhD Programmes:


a) Experimental and Clinical Research Methodology in Oncology

b) Digestive Oncology

c) Gynaecological and Obstetric Sciences

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma