Scienza dei materiali 2022/23

Curriculum in
PhD courses
Title: Radiation-Matter Interaction, Photoemission and Photoabsorption Spectroscopy
Instructors: Carlo Mariani, Settimio Mobilio, Francesco Offi, Alessandro Ruocco
Duration: 32 hours
Period: February-May 2023
Abstract: Introduction to the photoelectron spectroscopy: theoretical background, the three-step model, atoms and molecules, low-dimensional solid systems, experiments with angular resolution, time-resolved experiments. Instrumentation: charged particles, Auger electron spectroscopy and resonant photoemission. Theoretical background of absorption. Multiple scattering theory: a method for the observation of the electronic states and spectroscopy measurements. Surfaces and low-dimensional systems, electronic properties. Core-level photoemission and surface core-level shifts. Angular resolved photoemission, electronic band structure. Band structure of exemplary 1D and 2D systems. Electromagnetic radiation sources, synchrotron radiation. Introduction to the free-electron laser: a coherent source of radiation from UV to X rays. X ray absorption spectroscopy, EXAFS and XANES: fundamentals and applications. X ray elastic and anelastic scattering.
List of useful courses from the Master degree
Title: Surface Physics and Nanostructures (6 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Fisica)
Instructor: Carlo Mariani
Planned period: October-December 2022
Title: Chimica Fisica dello Stato Solido e dei Materiali Nanostrutturati (6 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale)  
Instructor:  Danilo Dini
Planned period: October-December 2022
Title: Sistemi di produzione ed accumulo dell'energia (9 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale)  
Instructor:  Maria Assunta Navarra
Planned period: October-December 2022
Title: Fabbricazione e caratterizzazione di nanostrutture (6 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria delle Nanotecnologie)  
Instructor:  Carlo Mariani - Ernesto Placidi
Planned period: March-June 2023
Title: Laboratorio Macromolecole (9 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale)  
Instructor:  Andrea Martinelli
Planned period: March-June 2023
Title: Physics Laboratory II (9 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Fisica)  
Instructor:  Carlo Mariani
Planned period: March-June 2023
Title: Microscopie e tecniche di nanocaratterizzazione (9 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria delle Nanotecnologie)  
Instructor:  Marco Rossi
Planned period: March-June 2023
Title: Chimica dei materiali polimerici (6 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Chimica Analitica)  
Instructor:  Ilaria Fratoddi
Planned period: March-June 2022
Title: Scanning Probe Microscopy (3 CFU) (Corso di Laurea in Nanotechnology Engineering) 
Instructor:  Daniele Passeri
Planned period: March-June 2023

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