Elettromagnetismo 2022/23

Curriculum in 
PhD courses
Title: Analytical Techniques for Wave Phenomena
Instructor: Paolo Burghignoli
Duration: 6 CFU
Tutte le lezioni si svolgeranno in italiano presso la sede della Facoltà di Ingegneria dalla Sapienza Università di Roma in Via Eudossiana 18, Roma (Fermata Metro B Colosseo o Cavour). Sono previste pause caffè (10:45-11:00, 15:45-16:00) e pause pranzo (13:00-14:00).
Seminario 1.    martedì 7 febbraio 2023      ore 14:00-18:00                      Aula 33
Seminario 2.    mercoledì 8 febbraio 2023      ore 9:00-13:00 e 14:00-18:00 Aula 33
Seminario 3.    martedì 14 febbraio 2023      ore 14:00-18:00                    Aula 33
Seminario 4.      mercoledì 15 febbraio 2023      ore 9:00-13:00 e 14:00-18:00 Aula 8 (pom. 33)
Abstract: The course aims at providing Ph.D. students with analytical tools useful in applied research on general wave phenomena. The unifying theme is that of complex analysis, of which a compact, self‐contained introduction is presented. Fundamental techniques asymptotic techniques are then illustrated, including ray optics and the Laplace and saddle‐point methods for the asymptotic evaluation of integrals. Applications are focused on the analysis of both time‐harmonic and transient waves excited in planar layered structures by canonical sources. As concerns the former, different wave species will be defined and physically discussed (space, surface, leaky, lateral waves). As concerns the latter, the Cagniard‐de Hoop method will be introduced.
Title: Nanophotonics and Plasmonics
Instructor: Concita Sibilia
Duration: 2 CFU
Period: Second semester
Abstract: The part of seminars related to Nanophotonics aims to introduce to students some exciting concepts that differ from conventional wave optics, with particular emphasis to the role of the evanescent fields in many practical applications, such as near field optical microscopy. The field of plasmonics (interaction of light with electrons in metals) has attracted a great deal of interest over the past two decades, but despite the many fundamental breakthroughs and exciting science it has produced, it is yet to deliver on the applications that were initially targeted as most promising. The seminars proposed examine the primary fundamental hurdles in the physics of plasmons that have been hampering practical applications and highlights some of the promising areas in which the field of plasmonics can realistically deliver.
Title: Basics of Nonlinear Optics
Instructor: Concita Sibilia
Duration: 2 CFU
Period: Second semester
Abstract: Nonlinear Optics (NLO) is the study of phenomena that occur as a consequence of the modification of the optical properties of a material system by the presence of light. Basics and more recent applications of NLO to new light sources and devices will be presented in a series of seminars.
Title: Radiazione Termica e Segnatura Infrarossa
Instructor: Roberto Li Voti
Duration: 4 CFU
Period: Second semester
Abstract: Il corso tratterà i seguenti argomenti: emissione spontanea, radiazione termica, legge di Planck, legge si Stephan -Bolzmann. Emissività, teoria del corpo nero e radiatori selettivi. Spettro elettromagnetico, radiazione luminosa, radiazione nell'infrarosso. Parametri caratteristici di un elemento radiante: radianza, radianza spettrale, potenza, potenza spettrale. Propagazione del segnale luminoso in aria, bande di assorbimento atmosferico. Effetti atmosferici: assorbimento, autoemissione, diffusione, deflessione, turbolenza. Tecniche numeriche per la valutazione della emissività variabile dei materiali; e tecniche nondistruttive fotoacustiche e fototermiche per la caratterizzazione di materiali.
Title: Laboratorio Di Applicazioni Industriali Delle Tecnologie Ottiche Fototermiche E Fotoacustiche
Instructor: Roberto Li Voti
Duration: 3 CFU
Period: Second semester
Abstract:The course will provide the theoretical bases of the photothermal, photoacoustic, radiometric, and infrared techniques for nondestructive evaluation and testing of materials (nanomaterials and metamaterials). Many applications will be introduced in different fields: industry, environment, energy, but also biology, medicine, agrifood. Final comparisons will be introduced among the diagnostic techniques. The course contains also some experimental activities in laboratory and the relative data analysis and data processing.
List of useful courses from the Master degree
Title: Optics
Instructor: Eugenio Fazio
Duration: 6 CFU
Period: 2nd semester
Title: Molecular dynamics and atomistic simulations
Instructors: Giuseppe Zollo
Duration: 6 CFU
Period: First semester
Title: Laser Fundamentals
Instructors: Concita Sibilia
Duration: 6 CFU
Period: Second semester
Title: Quantum Information, I e II
Instructor: Fabio Bovino (docente master sapienza)
Duration: 5+5 CFU
Period: Second semester
Title: Esperienze di Laboratorio per il modulo di Ottica/Optics
Instructors: Alessandro Belardini
Duration: 2 CFU
Period: Second semester
Title: Advanced Electromagnetics and Scattering
Instructors: Fabrizio Frezza
Duration: 6 CFU
Period: Second semester
Title: Microwaves
Instructors:Marta Cavagnaro, Fabrizio Frezza, Alessandro Galli
Duration: 9 CFU
Period: First semester
Title: Artificial materials, metamaterials and plasmonics for electromagnetic applications
Instructors: Fabrizio Frezza
Duration: 6 CFU
Period: First semester

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