Programme overview - first year


a) Every year some reading courses are activated according to the scientific interests of the new PhD students, or upon request.

b) Every year some courses are activated. Topics range over all area of pure and applied mathematics.
Such courses can be held by visiting professors or members of the department.
More courses are available at other mathematics departments in Rome (for example, Tor Vergata, Roma Tre, SBAI, Scuola Volterra). Also, undergraduate courses for 5th year students may also be of interest.

c) Mathematics (Summer) schools may also be of interest.


New PhD students are assigned a tutor.
The tutor will advise about courses and activities of interest and about the choice of a thesis supervisor.
The supervisor will suggest a research topic and sometimes a problem to work on during the PhD course.


Together with his/her tutor, first year PhD student must make a plan of activities that he/she wants to attend, which has to be approved by the PhD board. Such list which must include
- a reading course, as in (a) above
- at least two activities among (b) and (c) with final exam.

Moreover PhD students are required to attend the regular seminars held at the department (see link).


In order to be admitted to the second year, students
- must have successfully passed all the exams associated to all the planned activities approved by the PhD board
- must have chosen a thesis supervisor and a topic for his/her PhD thesis
- must hand in a 3-6 page report about the research problem he/she intends to work on
- must deliver a presentation to illustrate the research problem and answer questions.

If the student has not successfully accomplished the above duties, the PhD board may determine the admission to the second year sub iudice, and plan to hear him/her at a later time.

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