
List of possible research topics in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Algebra and Geometry

Paolo BRAVI Lie theory
Alberto DE SOLE Lie Algebras, representation theory
Simone DIVERIO Complex-analytic, differential and algebraic geometry
Domenico FIORENZA Topological quantum field theories
Marco MANETTI Lie and homotopy methods in deformation theory
Gabriele MONDELLO Riemann surfaces, differential and algebraic geometry
Andrea SAMBUSETTI Riemannian geometry, geometric group theory



Isabeau BIRINDELLI Partial differential equations
Piero D'ANCONA Partial differential equations, Harmonic analysis
Andrea DAVINI Hamilton-Jacobi equations and weak KAM Theory
Luca FANELLI Spectral theory & Dispersive PDE's
Adriana GARRONI Calculus of Variations, applications to material science
Fabiana LEONI Nonlinear PDEs
Corrado MASCIA Biomathematics, differential equations, dynamical systems
Claudia PINZARI Operator algebras, Noncommutative geometry
Marcello PONSIGLIONE Calculus of Variations
Emanuele SPADARO


Mathematical physics, Numerical analysis and Probability

Paolo BUTTÀ Mathematical physics
Camillo CAMMAROTA Nonstationary stochastic processes, data analysis
Elisabetta CARLINI Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
Guido CAVALLARO Mathematical physics, Kinetic theory, Fluid mechanics
Michele CORREGGI Mathematical physics
Maurizio FALCONE Numerical Analysis, Mathematical modeling
Maria LOPEZ FERNANDEZ Numerical analysis
Gianluca PANATI Mathematical Quantum Theory
Lorenzo TAGGI Probability, Statistical Mechanics, Mathematical Physics
Lorenzo BERTINI Interacting particle systems


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